Epidemiology of Diabetes in Adults Aged 35 and Older from Shanghai, China

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Objective This study aimed to investigate the epidemiology of diabetes in adults from Shanghai, aged 35 and older, in 2013. Methods We estimated the diabetes prevalence in a representative sample of 18,736 adults who were selected through a multistage stratified cluster sampling process. A standard questionnaire containing questions about demographic characteristics and lifestyle factors was distributed. After an overnight fast of at least 10 hours, a venous blood sample was collected from each participant. For each patient without a history of diabetes, another blood sample was drawn 120 min after an oral glucose tolerance test to identify undiagnosed diabetes and prediabetic condition. Results Among Shanghai residents aged 35 and above, the overall weighted prevalence of diabetes was 17.6% [95% confidence interval(CI): 16.4%-18.8%]. The prevalences were 19.3% in men and 15.8% in women as well as 19.1%, 15.4%, and 16.1% in urban, suburban, and rural residents, respectively. In addition, the weighted prevalence of prediabetes was 16.5%(95% CI: 15.3%-17.8%), with the prevalences of 16.5% in men, 16.6% in women, 15.2% in urban residents, 18.0% in suburban residents, and 18.5% in rural residents. Among all patients with diabetes, 68.1%(95% CI: 64.3%-71.6%) were aware of their status, 63.5%(95% CI: 60.0%-66.9%) received diabetes treatment, but only 35.1%(95% CI: 32.4%-37.8%) had adequate glycemic control. Conclusion In Shanghai, diabetes and prediabetes are highly prevalent. However, 1/3rd of diabetes cases are undiagnosed, and the rate of glycemic control is low. Objective This study aimed to investigate the epidemiology of diabetes in adults from Shanghai, aged 35 and older, in 2013. Methods We estimated the prevalence of the disease prevalence in a representative sample of 18,736 adults who were selected through a multistage stratified cluster sampling process. A standard questionnaire After an overnight fast of at least 10 hours, a venous blood sample was collected from each participant. For each patient without a history of diabetes, another blood sample was drawn 120 min after an oral Results Among Shanghai residents aged 35 and above, the overall weighted prevalence of diabetes was 17.6% [95% confidence interval (CI): 16.4% -18.8%]. The prevalences were 19.3% in men and 15.8% in women as well as 19.1%, 15.4%, and 16.1% in urban, suburban, and rural residents, respectively. In additio n, the prevalence of prediabetes was 16.5% (95% CI: 15.3% -17.8%), with the prevalences of 16.5% in men, 16.6% in women, 15.2% in urban residents, 18.0% in suburban residents, and 18.5 Among all patients with diabetes, 68.1% (95% CI: 64.3% -71.6%) were aware of their status, 63.5% (95% CI: 60.0% -66.9%) received diabetes treatment, but only 35.1 Conclusion The Shanghai glycoemic control is low. However, 1 / 3rd of diabetes cases are undiagnosed, and the rate of glycemic control is low.% (95% CI: 32.4% -37.8%
为了给学生一块思想的芳草地,一座文学的象牙塔,张家港外国语学校在2006年创办了花语文学社。  在6年的行程里,花语文学社多次组织学生到青少年实践基地去体验生活,到农耕园、生态园采风,并参观大型工厂;文学社还策划了影视评论、名作欣赏、校庆征文、教师节征文等专题活动。目前,社员们已在省、市级刊物上发表文章近百篇,先后有150多人次在各级各类作文竞赛中获奖。  声音  校长寄语  入乎其内,神与物游,
案情简介  犯罪嫌疑人、因平时游手好闲,花钱大手大脚,为满足个人花销需要,遂萌生了骗租车辆以“抵押”借款的念头。2009年10月24日17时许,高仔伙同高强,以高仔自己的身份证、驾
【摘 要】 黎族织锦(以下简称黎锦)是黎族文化不可分割的一部分,是黎族人勤劳智慧、认识世界和审美的体现。黎锦从单一的工艺到艺术品,经过了漫长的历史时期,也完成了黎锦图案设计构造与题材的完美结合,它给人们以美的享受。在黎锦不断的发展与创新的道路上,黎族人大胆融入了时尚元素,更具有实用性。  【关键词】 黎锦;审美;图案;设计构造;题材  黎族是中华民族大家庭中的一员,是海南岛上的世居民族。在海南岛建