Structure Dependence of Excitonic Effects in Chiral Graphene Nanoribbons

来源 :Chinese Physics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangkanli
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We explore the excitonic effects in chiral graphene nanoribbons(cGNRs), whose edges are composed alternatively of armchair-edged and zigzag-edged segments. For cGNRs dominated by armchair edges, their energy gaps and exciton energies decrease with increasing chirality angles, and they, as functions of widths, oscillate with the period of three, while the exciton binding energies do not have such distinct oscillation. On the other hand,for cGNRs dominated by zigzag edges, all the energy gaps, exciton energies, and exciton binding energies show oscillation properties with their widths, due to the interactions between the edge states localized at the opposite zigzag edges. In addition, the triplet excitons are energy degenerate when the electrons are spin-unpolarized,while the degeneracy split when the electrons are spin-polarized. All the studied cGNRs show strong excitonic effects with the exciton binding energies of hundreds of meV. We explore the excitonic effects in chiral graphene nanoribbons (cGNRs), whose edges are composed alternatively of armchair-edged and zigzag-edged segments. For cGNRs dominated by armchair edges, their energy gaps and exciton energies decrease with increasing chirality angles, and they, as functions of widths, oscillate with the period of three, while the exciton binding energies do not have such distinct oscillation. On the other hand, for cGNR dominated by zigzag edges, all the energy gaps, exciton energies, and exciton binding energies show oscillation properties with their widths, due to the interactions between the edge states localized at the opposite zigzag edges. The addition of the electrons excitons are energy degenerate when the electrons are spin-unpolarized, while the degeneracy split when the electrons are spin-polarized. the studied cGNRs show strong excitonic effects with the exciton binding energies of hundreds of meV.
【摘要】在罗贯中所著的《三国演义》的人物形象中,性格最为复杂,作者表现性格的手法最为多样化,唯有曹操一人而已。后人对他的争议最大,他的性格特点反传统、反常理、反逻辑,具有截然对立的两副面孔,看似矛盾,其实统一。笔者从欺君忠君、狡诈愚蠢、多疑坦诚、残暴仁慈、忌才爱才、大度小气等方面论述了其性格的两面性。  【关键词】曹操 人物性格 两面性  说起曹操,不能不提《三国演义》。因为曹操是《三国演义》中的
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