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回顾过去的一年,是整车市场竞争的高单峰年,整车利润持续下降,几乎全国的4S店都不得不调整经营重心,从售后维修和装潢精品等后市场服务项目去突围,通过增加新项目或整合现有项目等方式,寻找新的利润点,或者说出路。在这样的市场形势下,山西大昌集团也不例外。2013年,同样是大昌集团精品经营的转折点,从总体来讲,集团对汽车用品的重视程度大大提升了,可以说前所未有。这一年,在集团的主张下、装潢公司的积极推动下,完成了汽车用品集中釆购模式的策划和实施。在去年年末,经营模式也大胆进行了改革,由原来的装潢精品供货、销售一体模式转变为只供应产品、提供装潢施工的批发服务模式。当然,要将这种模式合理的运用好、发挥其应有的作用和效益,还需要一个摸索和完善的过程。 Recalling the past year, the vehicle market competition is a high peak year, vehicle profit continued to decline, almost 4S stores nationwide have to adjust the focus of business from after-sales maintenance and decoration boutique aftermarket services to break through the increase of new Project or the integration of existing projects, etc., to find new profit points, or out of the way. In such a market situation, Shanxi Dachang Group is no exception. In 2013, the same is the turning point of the Dachang Group’s boutique management. As a whole, the emphasis attached by the Group to the automotive products has been greatly enhanced, which can be said to be unprecedented. This year, under the advocacy of the Group, the decorating company actively promoted the completion of the planning and implementation of the centralized procurement mode for automotive supplies. At the end of last year, the business model was also boldly reformed. From the original decoration boutique supply and sales model to the only supply of products, the wholesale service model for decoration and construction was provided. Of course, it is still necessary to explore and improve the process of using this model reasonably and giving full play to its due role and effectiveness.
研究小鼠重组腺病毒载体Ad-mIL-10及其转染的树突状细胞(dendritic cell,DC)对小鼠哮喘模型气道炎症的影响,探讨其相关的发病机制。用基因工程的方法构建小鼠IL-10腺病毒重组
Background:Localized scleroderma (LSc) exhibits autoimmunity, and antihistone antibody is frequently detected. The major antigens recognized by antihistone a nt
奉贤寻宝记(上) 2006年年底,上海《新民晚报》刊登了一篇《江南第一朱金木雕大佛龛》的报道。报上刊登的照片不大,却明确地写着,佛龛高3.95米,宽5.56米,厚1.09米。这篇不长的