
来源 :老年教育(书画艺术) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hymzID
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1932年3月5日,是启功家祭祖的日子。启功的祖先,是清朝第五位皇帝雍正之子、乾隆之弟。虽后被列入旁支,荣华几近全无,但母亲还是十分敬畏这个特殊家世,每年的祭祖简直就是她的图腾。这一天,母亲特意叫了一个章姓姑娘来帮忙,并让启功到胡同口去迎接。当时,天上飘着绵绵细雨。启功来到胡同口,看见对面的林阴小道上,一个娇小的女子撑着一把花伞,正袅袅娜娜地走来。启功的心顿时像被一只温柔的小手摸了一下,情不自禁地想起戴望舒的《雨 On March 5, 1932, it was the day when the khmer’s home made an ancestral worship. The ancestor of Qigong is the son of Emperor Yongzheng, the fifth emperor of the Qing Dynasty, the brother of Qianlong. Although later included in the bypass, splendor almost no, but the mother is still very afraid of this special family background, the annual ancestor is simply her totem. On this day, the mother specially called a chapter girl to help, and let Kai-shek to greet the alley. At that time, the sky floated drizzle. Qigong came to the alley mouth, saw across the path of Linyin, a petite woman holding an umbrella, is curly Nana to come. Qigong’s heart suddenly like being touched by a gentle little hand, can not help but think of Dai Wang Shu "rain
对中西结合及单纯西药治疗带状疱疹的疗效进行比较,体会:中西医结合疗法可以缩短病程并无神经痛后遗症。 The combination of Western and Western medicine treatment of shi
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在《品德与生活(社会)》课堂教学中,优化课堂提问,才是提高课堂效率的有效途径。 In the classroom teaching of “character and life (social)”, optimizing classroom q
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