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  【Abstact】this paper deals with the main contents and characteristics of two foreign language learning models which is the Acculturation Model and the Socio-educational Model. Their similarities and differences are compared and analyzed. This paper tends to provide implications for further relative study.
  【Key words】the acculturation model the socio-educational model learning environment
  1. Introduction
  Acculturation is defined by Brown (1980:129) as “the process of becoming adapted to a new culture”. Schumann (1978:34) also states that the Second Language Acquisition is just one aspect of acculturation and the degree to which a learner acculturates to the target language group will control the degree to which he acquires the second language. The socio-education model is proposed by Gardner in 1985, and the most influential in the area of second language acquisition theory. While Gardner identified a number off actors which are involved when learning a second language, it was earlier work by Gardner and Lambert, to which laid the foundations for the model.
  2. Comparison and contrast of the Acculturation Model and the Socio-educational Model
  2. 1. Similarities.① learning environment.These two models attach importance to the cultural and social elements in the input or the content of language contact of the learning environment, compared to the emphasis on the linguistic elements. No matter the language input in the regular classroom environment in the Social-education model or from natural language environment in the acculturation model, it have to go through the learner mental processing, that is, it can absorb and export though the learner cognitive and emotional role. And Krashen (1985: 2) thought that if input is understood, and there is enough of it, then the necessary grammar is automatically provided. ② Affective factors of learners.Besides the outside learning environment, the two models both stress the individual features of the learner, for example, the affective factors, mainly formed or influenced by the social and cultural background. These two models are both regarded the affective factor as one of the most important key factors in Second Language Acquisition. For instance, the Acculturation Model contains emotional variables: shocking language, culture shock, motivation and ego permeability; the Model of Socio-educational contains motivation and situational anxiety.
  2.2. Differences.① Natural and class learning environment.These two models are discussing the different language learning environment. The Acculturation Model discussed the natural language environment in the process of language acquisition. Learning a second language in the natural environment can help improve spoken fluency of language and social relevance, and the learning goal is to obtain information. Learners’ awareness of cultural differences, motivations, attitudes, and other emotional factors are more obvious on the impact of language learning; and intelligence and language ability have a little impact of language acquisition. For instance, Ellis (1985: 252) states that acculturation is determined by the degree of social and psychological distance between the learner and the target language culture. So, we could learn that the language is mainly acquired in the social environment, according to the Acculturation Model. The Socio-educational Model used to explain the classroom environment language learning process. Learning foreign language in the formal classroom environment, the learners are mainly acquiring language knowledge, learning language for us, stressing the accuracy of language; and the learners’ emotional and cognitive ability of language have a greater influence on second language acquisition. For instance, professor Yang and professor Zhang (2007: 91) summered that Gardner thought that in the Socio- educational Model, classroom teaching plays a leading role in the foreign language acquisition, and it affected by the four elements, which is the learners’ intelligence, language learning skills, motivation and scenes of anxiety. But it is pity that the learners in a classroom setting often fail to develop much functional language ability (Ellis, 1994:228).②Degree and focus of the individual affective factors.Although the two models stress the social and cultural influence on to the individual affective factors, but the degree and focus are different. These two models are focusing on the different aspects in learning foreign language. The Acculturation Model believes that the culture plays the decisive role in learning foreign language. Acculturation is determined by the degree of social and psychological between the learner and the target language culture (Ellis 1985: 252). The Socio- educational Model holds that the learners’ attitudes and faiths towards the target language play the decisive role in learning foreign language. So, the learning result is determined by the learners’ attitudes and faiths to the target language in some degree.
  In the process of learning the Acculturation Model and the Socio-educational Model, learned more theories about the second language acquisition. This paper has compared and contrasted the Acculturation Model and Socio-educational Model in terms of their similarities and differences. It tends to provide implications for further study.
  [1]Krashen,S.The Input Hypothesis:Issues and Implications[M]Harlow:Longman Press,1985.
【摘要】作为国家级历史文化名城的衢州,想从日益蓬勃发展的旅游业中分一杯羹,近年来也将旅游业作为衢州国民经济的重要支柱产业进行大力发展。然而,要将衢州旅游业做大、做强,除了大力开创国内市场,国际市场也应成为衢州旅游产业发展的一个新目标和新动力。如何将衢州的旅游资源推广于世界,使其不断扩大影响并吸引国际宾客,涉外导游人才的作用就显得格外重要,这里针对衢州涉外导游人才现状与培养方案进行研究。  【关键词
【摘要】中国古代文学是高校中文系汉语言文学专业(本科)开设的重要基础课程。笔者依据课堂教学经验,认为高校中文系本科生要想学好中国古代文学这门课程,必须打好必要的基础,培养两种基本能力:良好的阅读理解能力和良好的文学鉴赏能力,这样才能扫清学习障碍,从而初步具备学好这门课程的能力。  【关键词】中国古代文学 阅读理解能力 文学鉴赏能力  当前高等院校中文系的本科生要想学好中国古代文学这门课程,必须打好
【摘要】随着新课改的深入,越来越多的教师意识到传统灌输式的教学方法存在诸多弊端,很容易让学生产生厌倦感,耗时耗力,效率低下,收效甚微。而游戏与教学相融合,能够调和课堂氛围,激发学生学习兴趣,提升学生学习效率,因而受到学生的欢迎。  【关键词】活动教学 初中英语 精彩高效  游戏与教学相融合,指的是英语教师根据教学内容和目标,设计一些简单有效的游戏环节,使学生高度参与其中,达到使英语课堂更加精彩、高
《高中英语课程新标准》要求高中生八级课外阅读词汇达到30万词以上,并且能在教师的帮助下欣赏浅显的英文名著。在近几年全国各地的高考试卷中完形填空和阅读理解经常节选自名著名篇,2012年福建高考阅读题中也出现了名著节选,这说明名著经典阅读在英语教学中的重要性正在逐渐体现出来。  名著阅读虽然对于高一的学生比较难,较为枯燥难懂,但是在多媒体信息技术的辅助下,通过网络海量搜集契合主题的素材激发学生的学习热
【摘要】人们常说“国内辛苦学三年的英语效果还不抵在有语言环境的国外学上半年。”笔者在澳洲公派学习的半年里,真正体会到了语言环境及氛围对学生学习英语的真正重要性。本文就大学教师如何从教材、教师的各种教学手段及方法等多方面为大学生的英语学习营造良好的氛围提出自己的见解,希望对广大的英语教师和学者有所帮助。  【关键词】营造 “启发、交际式” 英语学习氛围  学习外语不仅要掌握语音、语法、词汇和习语,而
1. Introduction  English learning is a complex process which is relevant to many factors such as linguistics, psychology, sociology etc. There are many factors that will affect the process of Second L
【摘要】本文从英语阅读的重要性入手,通过对学生英语阅读障碍的分析,从教学策略和练习策略两方面来培养学生的阅读技巧,从而提高学生的逻辑思维能力,进一步提高学生英语阅读速度与理解能力。  【关键词】英语阅读 阅读障碍 阅读技巧  作为世界通用语言,英语在国际交际中起着非常重要的作用。伴随着中国国际化的快速步伐,社会越来越注重英语阅读能力的培养与提高。许多院校逐渐采用国外原版教材进行授课,培养和提高英语