抓好县域工作 重在务实求实

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在新旧体制交替转换,各种新情况、新矛盾、新问题不断出现的新形势下,如果没有务实求实的态度,没有真抓实千的精神,没有严格落实的作风,是不可能抓好县域工作的,从一定意义上讲,务实求实的程度,决定了一个县域的发展速度。乳山市在这方面采取了一些措施。一是抓关键,出实效。今年我们重点突出“三抓三增”:一是抓改制,增活力。通过产权出让、股份改造、切块出售、租赁兼并等因企制宜,多形式改制。到10月底,全市镇以上482家企业全面完成改制任务。通过改制,从总体上盘活了乳山经济。1—10月份,全员劳动生产率、资本金利润率、经济效益综合指数同比分别增长 18.85%、5.64%和18.69%,企业财务费用和亏损额同比分别下降了6.2%和44%。二是抓投入,增势力。通过招商引资、挂 Under the new situation of alternating old and new systems, new situations, new contradictions and new problems, if there is no pragmatic and realistic attitude, there is no real spirit of solidarity and there is no strictly implemented style and it is impossible to grasp well the county Work, in a sense, pragmatic and realistic level, determines the speed of development of a county. Rushan City has taken some measures in this regard. First, grasp the key, out of action. This year we focus on “three grasping and three increasing”: one is to reform the system and increase the vitality. Through the transfer of property rights, shareholding reform, cut the block sale, lease mergers and other enterprises due to the system, multi-form restructuring. By the end of October, 482 enterprises above the city have fully completed the task of restructuring. Through restructuring, the overall Rushan economic revitalization. From January to October, the overall labor productivity, capital profit rate and economic comprehensive index increased by 18.85%, 5.64% and 18.69% respectively over the same period of last year, while the financial expenses and losses of the enterprises decreased by 6.2% and 44% respectively over the same period of last year. Second, grasp investment, increase power. Through investment, hanging
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