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居民生活状况是广大人民群众根本利益的最基本体现。朱总理在“十五”计划纲要中指出:“在经济发展的基础上。使人民生活有较大改善,逐步向更加宽裕的小康生活迈进是今后五年的主要任务”。因此了解低收入居民家庭的收支情况的生活状况、提高低收入居民家庭的生活水平,是目各级领导需要解决的问题。城镇低收入居民家庭,并不是我们日常所言的生活特困户。而是属于生活水平远低于全省居民的平均水平,即占我省城镇居民调查总户数的10%的最低收入居民家庭据抽样调查资料显示,2000年。占我省城镇调查总户数10%的低收入居民家庭年人均可支配收入2192元,不足全省城镇居民人均平均水平5170元的1/2,其主要情况是: The living conditions of the residents are the most fundamental manifestation of the fundamental interests of the broad masses of the people. Zhu pointed out in the outline of the “10th Five-Year Plan”: “On the basis of economic development, making major improvements to the people’s livelihood and gradually moving towards a more affluent and well-to-do life are the major tasks for the next five years.” Therefore, understanding the living conditions of the low-income families’ income and expenditures and improving the living standards of low-income families are the problems that leaders at all levels need to solve. Low-income families in urban areas are not the most destitute families in our daily lives. But belong to the living standard is far below the average level of the province’s residents, which accounted for 10% of the total number of urban residents in our province the lowest income households According to sample survey data show that in 2000. The per capita disposable income of low-income families, accounting for 10% of the total number of urban households surveyed in our province, is 2,192 yuan, less than 1/2 of the average level of 51,70 yuan per capita for urban residents in the province. The main situations are as follows:
70分钟系列节目《神州绿色行》是广西卫视《生存空间》 栏目在新世纪的第一年给观众献上的一份精心制作的礼物,它是广西电视台和广西环保局首次携手合作,拍摄反映全国环境保护现