来源 :中国医学科学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunboy0214
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Objective To evaluate magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) characteristics and surgical results of adrenocortico-tropin (ACTH) -secreting pituitary adenomas.Methods MRI characteristics and relationship between MRI positive rate and surgical results of 266 patients with pathologically confLrmed Cushing's disease were analyzed retrospectively. All patients underwent thin-section sagittal and coronal scans of the pituitary gland before and after administration of gadolinium-diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid (Gd-DTPA) on a 1.5 Tesla MRI scanner, and dynamic enhanced MRI was performed in 39 patients. All patients un-derwent transsphenoidal adenomectomy. Endocrinological examinations and assessments were performed.Results Preoperative MRI revealed normal results in 41 ( 15.4% ) cases, microadenoma in 179 (67.3%), mac-roadenoma in 42 ( 15.8% ), and huge adenoma in 4 ( 1.5% ). Pituitary apoplexy was found in 13 (4.9%) cases.Positive rate of ACTH-secreting adenomas was 84. 6% (225/266) on MRI scans, and that of small microadenomas was 87.2% (34/39) on dynamic enhanced MRI scans. Preoperative endocrinological tests of 199 cases supported the diagno-sis of typical Cushing's disease, while the other 67 cases had atypical endocrinological results. The endocrinological cure rate, remission rate, and inefficacy rate were 85. 7%, 7.9%, and 6. 4%, respectively. There was no difference in the in-itial endoerinological cure rate between the patients with positive and normal MRI results (90% vs. 87. 8%, P =0.904).Conclusions Enhanced coronal pituitary MRI is helpful for preoperative localization of ACTH-seereting pituitary microadenoma. Dynamic enhanced MRI may improve detection rate of microadenoma. There is no marked difference in the surgical results for patients with preoperative MRI results indicating presence or absence of microadenoma.
目的 观察爱维治联合曲安奈德治疗前部缺血性视神经病变(AION)的疗效.方法临床确诊的AION患者60只眼,分为治疗组和对照组,其中治疗组30只眼采用爱维治1200mg/d静脉注射;曲安奈德(20 mg)球后注射1次.对照组30只眼采用复方丹参注射液20ml/d静脉注射:654-2(5mg)球后注射,1次/d,共用7d.均以15 d为1个疗程.两组患者用药后每天观察视力和眼底情况,治疗前有视野检查
目的 探讨细胞凋亡相关蛋白Fas、FasL和Bcl-2表达活性与鼻息肉上皮细胞增殖和凋亡活性平衡机制的相关性.方法 鼻息肉组织标本29例,下鼻甲黏膜标本11例,免疫组化法检测上皮细
目的 研究正常和肝病患者血液中圆球体样微生物的生物学特性,初步确定纳米细菌与该种可滤过物的关系.方法 将正常人和肝病患者培养阴性的血培养物进行细菌L型、真菌和厌氧菌
目的 探讨骶管阻滞的术后镇痛作用对七氟烷麻醉下小儿腹股沟斜疝腹腔镜手术后苏醒期躁动的影响.方法 60例1-5岁择期行腹股沟斜疝腹腔镜手术的学龄前患儿,ASA分级Ⅰ级.随机分为两组:A组为七氟烷组;B组为七氟烷+骶管阻滞组,每组各30例.两组均予七氟烷全身麻醉,B组加用骶管阻滞.分别记录患儿年龄、体重、麻醉持续时间、手术持续时间、苏醒时间、苏醒期躁动率.结果 A组2例、B组1例因发生心率反应被排除.
目的 建立光敏感性实验方法,用于检测化妆品及原料光敏感反应存在与否及反应强度.方法 选择健康成年豚鼠,以10J/cm2剂量的UVA或者UVA+UVB照射,观察实验物质的光敏感性及其反
目的 探讨金雀异黄素(Gen)衍生物5,4'-二-正辛烷氧基-7-二氟亚甲基异黄酮(DOdFMG)体外抗人类乳腺癌细胞的作用.方法 平皿克隆形成法检测DOdFMG对人类乳腺癌MCF-7细胞抑制生长
目的 通过对胸部恶性肿瘤患者围术期T细胞亚群、T淋巴细胞嗜银蛋白(AgNORs)活性的动态观察,了解胸部恶性肿瘤患者围术期免疫功能变化规律,为临床治疗提供依据.方法 利用随机数字表法随机选择44例胸部恶性肿瘤患者.于手术前1天及术后1、3、5、7、10天分别采取患者外周静脉血,利用KL型肿瘤免疫图像分析系统检测AgNOR活性,应用流式细胞术(flow cytometry,FCM)检测外周血T淋巴细
Duchenne型肌营养不良(简称DMD)是最常见的X连锁隐性遗传性肌病,患病率在男性活产婴儿中约为1/3 500,DMD主要的发病机制是由于抗肌萎缩蛋白(dystrophin)基因突变,导致其基因产物缺失,引起骨骼肌坏死以及功能严重受损.依据DMD的发病机制,有效的治疗途径不外乎改变突变的基因以表达功能正常的蛋白,或者直接将正常的细胞移植发病部位替换病变的细胞.理想的细胞移植治疗就是将具有较好增