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  The advent of warm weather here in Maine calls for a seasonal ritual that, for me, puts the exclamation point on winter’s end—fetching the wooden screen door.1
  Note that I wrote “wooden.” The aluminum2 models just won’t do it—they close too neatly and retain their perfect form for decades. But I came of age3 in the 1960s, a time of imperfection. There was no perfect house, no perfect car, no perfect kids or parents. Why should a screen door be an exception?
  I grew up with my siblings in a working-class neighborhood in urban, industrial New Jersey.4 When the warm weather arrived, my dad would go out to the garage,haul out the wooden screen door, and install it over the back door, which could then be left wide open, admitting a refreshing breeze (we had no air conditioning).5

  My father was a Mr. Fix-it par excellence, so keeping the screen door serviceable was one of his indulgences.6 Every few years he gave it a fresh coat of paint(picket-fence green), reinforced the rickety joints, and patched the screen with Scotch tape.7 I distinctly remember him putting the last screw in the last hinge,8 stepping back, and swinging the door shut with a solid, woody “crack!”
  A good, rattly, wooden screen door, unsightly as it was,9 had an invaluable function in the age of the stay-at-home mom: It alerted her to the coming and going of the kids (at a time when children played outside). I don’t have to close my eyes to see myself, my siblings, and my friends running in and out of the house, tearing the screen door open and letting it slap shut behind us. Ten times a day? Fifty? A hundred? It was all good, and my mom never complained about the noise, because that was the purpose of a wooden screen door—to slam shut and thereby announce that her children were within earshot.10
  Flash forward: Several years ago, in a fit of nostalgia,11 I went shopping for a wooden screen door. I was disappointed in the choices available.They looked a bit too solid, too well made. But I found one online, and within a week it was delivered to my doorstep.
  The firm had sent me one with the wrong dimensions12, however—too wide and too tall. So I asked my carpenter to make the necessary adjustments. Ozzie worked away at it for a couple of hours until he got it to sit neatly in its frame. I stood back, looked it over, and then gave it the acid test13: I pulled it open and let go. It closed in a lazy fashion14, like royalty lying down on silk sheets.
形容词在英语词汇中的数量仅次于名词和动词,一般用来描述人物、事物或地点的性质。恰当地使用形容词可以增强语言的表达效果,在翻译时要注意选词的灵活性和语言风格,力图从效果上追求原文所传达的意境。一、古典作品翻译中的形容词  【例1】 寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚。  【译1】So dim, so dark, / So dense, so dull, / So damp, so dank, so d
If I were to compile1 a list of the 10 most utilized words in higher education, one of them would certainly be: globalization. I’m not sure whether people have just become cognizant of modern globaliz
RedBull的极限皮划艇运动员Rafael Ortiz(昵称Rafa),这位28岁的墨西哥人以自己异常大胆的皮划艇漂流闻名于世。Rafa的足迹遍布世界各地,追寻世界上最为湍急的河流来做皮划艇漂流。在巴基斯坦,他漂流了Indu河,全程11天,320公里,从Skardu到Indu河和Astor河的交汇处;在非洲他漂流了以水量巨大著称,极其汹涌的尼罗河,包括其中的Itanda瀑布;而在亚马逊沼泽的最深
分心的代价  每次发现家里有什么东西用完时,你的第一反应便是放下手头的事立马奔向超市,但是多数人不会这么做,为了买一件东西而去趟超市,要耗费多长时间、多少油钱?代价是显而易见的,这就是人们去超市之前都要列一个购物清单的原因。然而在工作中,人们却常常忽略了这个简单的道理,在多个任务间频繁切换,不断分散注意力,从而大大降低了工作效率。该如何避免这种情况呢?
I had seen the procedure done. Now it was my turn to try. I set about gathering the supplies—a centralline kit(中心静脉导管包), gloves, gown(外科手术服), cap, mask, lidocaine(利多卡因,一种局部麻醉剂)—and that alone took me
6月11日,美国总统特朗普的千金伊万卡在自己的推特上发表了一句“中国谚语”,引发了网友热议。伊万卡的推文原文是:  “Those who say it can not be done, should not interrupt those doing it.”—Chinese Proverb  本来只是一句简单的心灵鸡汤式感叹,却因为“特意”加上的“Chinese Proverb”而引发了网友的兴
编者按:在本刊微信公众平台举办的“Budding Writers”的多篇来稿中,编辑部精挑细选出10篇上乘佳作,将从本年度第二期开始陆续刊登。奇文共欣赏,疑义相与析。希望能有更多读者拿起笔,以书写传递心声,用文字记录生活。  Affect’d were you as you avert’d your eyes1  When by chance they met with her secret ga