
来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a84242936
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The convective heat transfer and friction behaviors of turbulent tube flow through a straight tape with double-sided delta wings(T-W)have been studied experimentally.In the current work,the T-W formed on the tape was used as vortex generators for enhancing the heat transfer coefficient by breakdown of thermal boundary layer and by mixing of fluid flow in tubes.The T-W characteristics are(1)T-W with forward/backward-wing arrangement,(2)T-W with alternate axis(T-WA),(3)three wing-width ratios and(4)wing-pitch ratios.The experimental result reveals that for using the T-W,the increases in the mean Nusselt number(Nu)and friction factor are,respectively,up to 165%and 14.8 times of the plain tube and the maximum thermal performance factor is 1.19.It is also obvious that the T-W with forward-wing gives higher heat transfer rate than one with backward-wing around 7%. The present investigation also shows that the heat transfer rate and friction factor obtained from the T-WA is higher than that from the T-W.In addition,the flow pattern and temperature fields in the T-W tube with both backward and forward wings were also examined numerically. The convective heat transfer and friction behaviors of turbulent tube flow through a straight tape with double-sided delta wings (TW) have been studied experimentally. In the current work, the TW formed on the tape was used as vortex generators for enhancing the heat transfer coefficient by breakdown of thermal boundary layer and by mixing of fluid flow in tubes. TW characteristics are (1) TW with forward / backward-wing arrangement, (2) TW with alternate axis (T-WA) -width ratios and (4) wing-pitch ratios.The experimental result reveals that for using the TW, the increases in the mean Nusselt number (Nu) and friction factor are, respectively, up to 165% and 14.8 times of the plain tube and the maximum thermal performance factor is 1.19. It is also obvious that the TW with forward-wing gives higher heat transfer rate than one with backward-wing around 7%. The present investigation also shows that the heat transfer rate and friction factor obtained from the T-WA is higher than that f rom the T-W.In addition, the flow pattern and temperature fields in the T-W tube with both backward and forward wings were also examined numerically.
1983~1984年期间,陕西省周至、咸阳、蒲城等产棉区流行低血钾软病,患病人数达3万多人,病死率高达4.9%。本文就住院的12例死亡病例总结分析如下,以供同道参考。 During 1983-1
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患者20岁,男性,2月来上腹部隐痛,与饮食无关,胃镜提示:复合性溃疡(胃角部溃疡和十二指肠球部溃疡)。于1988年2月2日入院。给予雷尼替丁150mg Bid 及对症处理。入院时,红细胞