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虚拟商业,电子商务的全面兴起昭示着互联网产业进入了商业利益和资本市场驱动的全新时代,它为我们这个商业社会带来了无限商机,也提供了一个重排座次,重新洗牌的难得机遇。但是一切毕竟还刚刚开始,有着悠久历史和强大根基的传统商业形态仍然是商业社会的主流。异军突起的 The full rise of virtual commerce and e-commerce shows that the Internet industry has entered a new era driven by commercial interests and capital markets. It has brought tremendous business opportunities to our business community and provided us with a rare opportunity to rearrange seats and reshuffle cards . But after all, it has just begun. The traditional business model with a long history and strong foundation is still the mainstream of commercial society. Suddenly
Modelling scenarios of land use change and their impacts in typical regions are helpful to investigate the mechanism between land use and ecological systems and
这个室内作品并不是一件雕塑而是一个环艺装置。它定义了建筑空间。创意来自运动物体的本质,即不同的元素在关系场中互相平衡。物力 This interior work is not a sculpture
目的 比较3 2 P敷贴与鱼肝油酸钠局部注射治疗皮肤血管瘤疗效。方法 3 2 P敷贴药片敷贴于血管瘤表面 ,根据年龄不同敷贴 16~ 4 5h不等 ,3~ 6个月敷贴 1次 ,常规 1~ 2次 ;对照
<正>As Si-based electronics technology approaches its scaling limits,it arises great interest in optical interconnections via Si photonics.However,Si with an in
In this Letter, we demonstrate that by adjusting the thickness of the buffer layer, the optical responses of a guided-mode resonance filter(GMRF) can be improve