抓管护 促开发 上台阶——记陕西省延安市劳山林业局

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2012年,劳山林业局在延安市委、市政府和市林业局的领导下,以科学发展观为指导,以创建国家森林城市为契机,紧紧围绕第二轮天保工程建设,突出“资源管护、公益林建设、产业开发、基础建设”四个重点,科学谋划、周密部署、精心组织、狠抓落实,各项工作取得了较好的成绩。上半年,完成中幼林抚育补贴试点任务30000亩,占任务的100%:完成长廊工程建设任务1781亩,占任务的100%;完成仁用杏基地建设2000亩,栽植苗木89320株;完成春季鼠害防治面 In 2012, under the leadership of the Yan’an Municipal Party Committee, the municipal government and the Municipal Forestry Bureau, the Laoshan Forestry Bureau took the opportunity of establishing a national forest city under the guidance of the Scientific Outlook on Development and closely followed the second round of the natural forest protection project, highlighting the “ Management and protection, public welfare forest construction, industrial development, infrastructure ”four key points, scientific planning, careful deployment, meticulous organization, and implement the work, the work has achieved good results. In the first half of the year, we completed 30,000 mu of pilot tasks for young and middle-aged forest nurturing subsidies, accounting for 100% of the task: completed 1781 mu of corridor construction tasks, accounting for 100% of the task; completed 2,000 mu of nursery apricots basement and planted 89,320 seedlings; completed spring Rodent control surface
39岁的潘人凤,现任“红帽象亲子乐园”大陆区总经理。经手运作多家分店,均获成功。在台湾生长的他为什么能在大陆如鱼得水呢?他的创业经历是怎样的呢?  我走进潘人凤的办公室时,他正在泡功夫茶。潘人凤说,茶叶都是从台湾带过来的,还有这些零食。说着从茶几下拿出一包酷似山楂片,名叫“豆干”的零食请我尝。“我来内地快十年了,还是吃不惯这儿的小吃零食”。说话间电话响起,他用还算地道的武汉话接起电话来,边说边点上
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