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目的分析钦州市钦北区近几年手足口病的流行病学特征,为当地的防治策略制定提供依据。方法收集该区2008—2011年各乡镇卫生院全部手足口病病例疫情报告,采用Excel软件进行统计分析。结果该区4年中共诊治手足口病病例1 086例,无危重及死亡病例出现。统计结果显示,2008—2011年年均人群发病率为36.93/10万,但病例数波动较大,最高2010年为81.20/10万,最低2009年为20.24/10万。0~3岁幼儿患者占81.58%,其中1~2岁幼儿占58.29%;散居儿童患者占总病例的84.25%,病例数男女比为1.92∶1;全年流行季节在4—6月份;全区12镇均有病例报道。缺乏手足口病病原学检测资料。结论该区手足口病患者数在过去的4年中波动较大,除进一步加强该病防治的同时,还应尽早对该区域的手足口病病毒种型进行鉴定。 Objective To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of hand, foot and mouth disease in Qinbei district of Qinzhou city in recent years and provide the basis for the formulation of local prevention and control strategies. Methods The epidemic situation of hand, foot and mouth disease in all township hospitals in the area from 2008 to 2011 was collected and analyzed by Excel software. Results A total of 1 086 cases of HFMD were diagnosed and treated in this area in 4 years. There were no critically ill and death cases. The statistical results show that the average annual population incidence in 2008-2011 is 36.93 / 100000, but the number of cases fluctuates greatly, with the highest in 2010 being 81.20 / 100,000 and the lowest in 2009 being 20.24 / 100000. Children aged 0-3 years accounted for 81.58%, of which children aged 1-2 years accounted for 58.29%; scattered children accounted for 84.25% of the total cases, the number of cases of male to female ratio was 1.92: 1; annual season in April to June; District 12 towns have reported cases. Lack of hand foot and mouth disease etiology test data. Conclusion The number of hand-foot-mouth disease in this area fluctuated greatly in the past 4 years. In addition to further strengthening the prevention and treatment of this disease, the type of hand-foot-mouth disease virus in this area should be identified as early as possible.
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