The role of 5-HT_7 Receptor in the pathogenesis of IBS

来源 :Journal of Nanjing Medical University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:twffhvknnh
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Objective:To investigate the role of 5-HT_7 receptor in the pathogenesis of irritable bowel syndrome(IBS).Methods:Rat model of D-IBS was established by intracolonic instillation of acetic acid and restraint stress;Rat model of C-IBS was established by stomach irrigated with 0-4℃cool water daily for 14 d.The content and distribution of 5-HT_7 receptor at the brain and bowel was examined by immunohistochemistry and the expression of 5-HT_7 receptor mRNA was detected by fluorescence quantitative RT-PCR(Real-time PCR).Results:Immunocytochemistry result showed the 5-HT_7 rceptor positive staining at hippocampus and hypothalamus of both C-IBS and D-IBS group was stronger than that of control group(P<0.01).The 5-HT_7R expression at ileum,proximate colon,distal colon of C-IBS group was significantly stronger than that of control group(P<0.05).Realtime-PCR analysis results showed the expression level of 5-HT_7 receptor at hippocampus and hypothalamus of both C-IBS and D-IBS group was increased than that of control group(P<0.05).At proximal and distal colon of C-IBS group,the 5-HT_7 receptor mRNA expression was increased compared with control group(P<0.05).Conclusion:The up-regulated expression of 5-HT_7 receptor at brain and colon may play an important role in the pathogenesis of C-IBS. Objective: To investigate the role of 5-HT_7 receptor in the pathogenesis of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Methods: Rat model of D-IBS was established by intracolonic instillation of acetic acid and restraint stress; Rat model of C-IBS was established by stomach irrigated with 0-4 ° C cool water daily for 14 days. The content and distribution of 5-HT_7 receptor at the brain and bowel was examined by immunohistochemistry and the expression of 5-HT_7 receptor mRNA was detected by fluorescence quantitative RT-PCR (Real-time PCR) .Results: Immunocytochemistry result showed the 5-HT_7 rceptor positive staining at hippocampus and hypothalamus of both C-IBS and D-IBS group was stronger than that of control group (P <0.01). The 5-HT_7R expression at ileum, proximate colon, distal colon of C-IBS group was significantly stronger than that of control group (P <0.05) .Realtime-PCR analysis showed showed the expression level of 5-HT_7 receptor at hippocampus and hypothalamus of both C- IBS and D-IBS group was increase (P <0.05) .At proximal and distal colon of C-IBS group, the 5-HT_7 receptor mRNA expression was increased compared with control group (P <0.05) .Conclusion: The up-regulated expression of 5-HT_7 receptor at brain and colon may play an important role in the pathogenesis of C-IBS.
【摘要】词汇是学生学习英语的基础,也是英语教学的重要组成部分。学生掌握词汇能力对学生英语综合应用能力有着直接影响。但从相关调查得知,小学生普遍存在记忆力较差,恐惧记单词以及对词汇学习兴趣不高等问题,影响英语词汇教学效果。本文则从联想记忆、游戏记忆、拼读记忆等方法分析词汇记忆法在小学英语教学中应用,望给予英语教师提供教学参考。  【关键词】小学英语 词汇记忆教学法 应用  基础教育改革纲要明确指出,
吕蒙正是北宋时期的名臣,他不仅才能出众,更可贵的是为人正直,深得宋太宗赏识,出任丞相,执掌朝政。  一天,宋太宗兴致勃勃地到京城郊区打猎,命吕蒙正为随从其打猎的骑士选送一些良马。吕蒙正接到宋太宗的圣旨后,命令下属送去的却都是羸弱的瘦马。  宋太宗見此情形,大为震怒,责问道:“朕让你送良马以供打猎之用,你为什么只送一些瘦马?”  吕蒙正镇定从容地说:“国家养的战马是为了让战士驰骋疆场、保家卫国之用。