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英语作为一门语言学科,是我国教育领悟的一大难题,在我国的英语教育研究中,和传统教育的影响下,只在乎英语的考试成绩,也就是应试教育为主,却没有培养学生的思辨能力,没有以英语语言的实践能力作为主要的教学目标,尤其是大学英语,在大学英语的写作教学中,没有渗透学生思辨能力的培养,对于竞争如此激烈的社会,培养大学生思辨能力很重要,是迫在眉睫的事情,为了让大学生能够适应当今社会的发展速度,在大学英语教学中教学中一定要注意 As a linguistic subject, English is a major problem comprehended by China’s education. Under the influence of traditional education and English education in our country, English only cares about English test scores, that is, exam-oriented education, but not students Judgment ability does not take the practical ability of English language as the main teaching target. Especially in college English, in the writing teaching of college English, there is no infiltration of students ’ability of speculative discrimination. It is very important to cultivate students’ speculative ability in such a highly competitive society , Is an urgent matter, in order to enable college students to adapt to the pace of development in today’s society, teaching English in college must pay attention to
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