关于社队企业经济 责任制形式的探索

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农村社队企业推行经济责任制,要对公社、大队承担经济责任.企业的责任是积极组织生产经营活动,为工农业生产和人民生活服务,取得应得的经济效果,向国家交纳税金,向公社、大队交纳利润.同时企业为了完成承担的经济责任,必须在企业内部建立责任制,形成上下左右权、责、利的有机结合,使经济责任在企业层层扎根,有效地推动企业的经营管理取得显著的经济效益.企业对公社、大队必须建立以利润指标为核心,包括产值、质量、成本等经济指标的经济责任制,企业主要负责人应向公社、大队承担责任.企业经营成果的好坏,应与企业的集体利益,职工个人利益、企业负责人的个人经济利益直接挂钩.根据企业的经营特点,具体形式可采取以下几种:1、全额利润分成.企业按实现的税后利润总额以60%上交公社,超计划部分倒四六开,企业多留.企业分成的超计划利润,可以经公社批准,以 The responsibility of the communes and brigades in carrying out economic responsibility system in rural communes and brigades and enterprises is to actively organize production and business activities, serve the industrial and agricultural production and people’s livelihood, obtain the economic benefits they deserve, pay taxes to the state, Communes and brigades to pay their profits.At the same time, in order to fulfill the economic responsibility, the enterprise must establish a responsibility system within the enterprise to form an organic combination of right, responsibility and benefit, so that economic responsibility can take root at the enterprise level and effectively promote the operation of the enterprise Management achieved significant economic benefits.Competitive to the commune, the brigade must establish a financial responsibility system with profit indicators as the core, including economic indicators such as output value, quality, cost and so on, the principal responsible person of the company should bear the responsibility to the commune, brigade. Good or bad, should be with the collective interests of enterprises, personal interests of workers, the personal economic interests of enterprises directly linked to.According to the operating characteristics of enterprises, the specific form can take the following: 1, After the total profit of 60% submitted to the commune, part of the super-plan down 46, the company stay. , May be approved by the commune to
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