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棉苗在三片真叶前,如果气温较低,土壤潮湿,棉花立枯病,炭疽病就会严重发生,轻者缺苗断垄,重则毁种。实践证明,扒土晒根法治疗棉花死苗,效果最好。具体方法是:在田间仔细观察棉苗,当发现子叶有病斑时,就要用工具近根锄划松土,抑制苗病发展。当发现有的棉苗子叶上有3—5个病斑时,即可用手扒土晒根治疗苗病。扒土深度以露出病斑下部5—10毫米无病幼根为准,如果扒土时天气晴朗,气温高,风速大,上午扒开土,傍晚用干土埋好即可,如是半阴天。需晒三天再埋。 Cotton seedlings in the three true leaves, if the temperature is low, the soil damp, cotton blight, anthrax will be a serious occurrence, the light lack of seedlings broken ridge, while the destruction of species. Practice has proved that Grilled Tuen root treatment of dead cotton seedlings, the best. Specific methods are: careful observation of cotton seedlings in the field, when the diseased cotyledons are found, it is necessary to use the tool near the root hoe Zoned loose soil, inhibit the development of seedling disease. When found in some cotton seedling leaves 3-5 lesions, you can hand Grilled soil cure root disease cure disease. Grilled soil depth to expose the lower part of the lesion 5-10 mm disease-free roots, whipped soil if the weather is clear, the temperature is high, the wind speed, open the soil in the morning, buried in the evening with dry soil can be good, half cloudy . Need to be buried in the sun for three days.
为了进一步认识棉田杂草种类和危害,减少除草投资,针对我市移栽棉花的实际布局,开展了棉田杂草的发生规律与化除技术的探索和研究。一、棉田杂草的发生规律 (一) 棉田杂草的
目前,不少高职院校缺乏对音乐教育的认识,导致音乐教育在高职教育可有可无的地位。 At present, many vocational colleges lack of awareness of music education, resulti
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