
来源 :知识经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:crying___leaf
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2001年以来,全国上下掀起了新的一轮创业高潮。与以往几次中国人“下海潮”或“发财机会”不同的是,这一轮创业高潮具有明显的知识创业特征。 但是,毕竟时代不同了,过去那种由特定历史时期形成的暴利时代已经一去不复返了,创业也越来越难了。太多太多的创业者诉说条件如何艰苦,如何简陋,期望获得一些成功秘籍之类的东西,弥补自身的 Since 2001, a new round of entrepreneurial climax has been set off across the country. Different from the “next wave” or “opportunity to make a fortune” of several Chinese in the past, this round of entrepreneurial climax has obvious characteristics of knowledge and entrepreneurship. However, after all, the times are different, and the era of huge profits formed in a particular historical period has gone by no means. Entrepreneurship is getting harder and harder. Too many entrepreneurs tell how difficult conditions, how simple, expect to get some success cheats and the like to make up for their own
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