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我们家没有正儿八经地养过猫。家里的猫,都是从后山上跑下来的地地道道的野猫。最初有猫在我们家院子里溜达的时候,是两三年前。那是一只黑背白肚子的猫,有一对翡翠色的大眼睛,喜欢在竹林中那块空地上趴着晒太阳。6我放学回到家,总要往竹林中扫一眼,看看有没有那只猫的踪影。我向来是很喜欢猫的,觉得猫是一种很有灵性的动物,看见猫就 Our family did not raise cats. Cats at home are all wild cats running down the mountain. The first time cats walked in our yard, it was two or three years ago. It was a black back white cat, a pair of emerald eyes, like in the open space on the piece of bamboo lying in the sun. 6 I came home from school, always swept the bamboo forest to see if there is no trace of that cat. I have always liked cats very much. I think cats are a very spiritual creature and I see cats
Unexpected side reaction is discovered from the N-H insertion of phenyl diazoacetates with arylamines in the presence of Rh2(OAc)4 catalyst. This side reaction
A new cembranolide diterpene with a hydroperoxyl substitution was isolated from the marine soft coral Lobophytum crassum. The structure was elucidated on the ba
【摘要】 建立完善的行政问责制度才能有效遏制腐败,转变行政人员工作作风,强化其责任心,提高政府的公信力,促进我国民主政治和社会进步。目前我国行政问责制才初步建立,很不完善。从问责要素来看,我国行政问责制存在问责主体单一、客体不清、问责范围过小、问责程序不规范、救济相对缺失等问题。立足我国基本国情,从行政问责的五个要素简要探讨我国行政问责制度的完善办法。  【关键词】 行政问责制;问责要素;制度完善
A facile and convenient one-pot synthesis method of substituted cyclopropanes in water has been developed.A series of 1,1-disubstituted cyclopropanes 3 were syn
Electronic spectra of substituted triphenylamines are investigated in this paper by time dependent perturbation theory and ZINDO/1-CI calculation. Electronic s
The mechanism and dynamical properties for the reaction of HCCO radicals with NO were investigated theoretically. The minimum energy paths(MEP) of the reaction
最早的“洋文名”  三國时期,沛国谯县有个小生,善于治病救人,他给自己搞了个梵文名字,用梵文的“药”这个词来称呼自己,这个词按照音译写是“华佗”。就这样,华佗开创了中国人取洋文名字的先河。  熊猫唐朝时就是“国宝”  早在唐朝时,熊猫就被当作国礼送给了日本。公元685年,日本遣唐使来华,为表示友好,武则天送给了日本天武天皇两只熊猫,随同遣唐使一道返回日本。  “知识就是力量”的最早出处  “知识就
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