
来源 :沙棘 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuhen_lu83
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大果无刺沙棘是对沙棘栽培良种所特有的优良性状的综合概述。沙棘良种繁育技术是实施沙棘高产、高效的基础, 随着经济效益与生态效益纳入沙棘综合管理系统及栽培技术与经济价值的开发利用,国内外对沙棘良种的培育进行了大量研究,并对沙棘的发展提出了更高的要求。近些年来, 我所相继引进俄罗斯、蒙古沙棘栽培良种,这些品种具有果大、丰产、无刺、果柄长等优良经济性状。为了使有限的宝贵资源尽快地在生产中得以推广.使其充分发挥更大的经济效益,我们对沙棘良种迅速扩繁的途径进行了多方面的探讨, 实践表明.采用幼龄中国沙棘为砧木进行低位嫁接繁殖方法,是保持母株优良特性,获得较多优质穗材与迅速扩繁的重要技术手段。采用低位嫁接,接穗基部处在地表层下部,保湿性能好,能迅速输入水分和养分,嫁接部位愈合好,防风折,保存率高,成活率可达80%以上.当年高生长可达0. 8~1. 3m,平均冠幅1.0m,当年即可为嫩枝扦插育苗提供较多穗材, 获得了理想的效果。 1.采集接穗 剪穗时间在早春树液未流动之前,在良种树上选择生长健壮.无病虫害,芽眼饱满的枝条。一般采集树冠中上部外围1a生枝条或1a生萌蘖株枝条。接穗剪好后每50根一捆放在较低温的洞内或窖内湿砂埋藏,经常保持湿润。 Large-fruit stingless sea buckthorn is a comprehensive overview of the fine traits of sea buckthorn cultivars. Seabuckthorn breeding technology is the basis of high yield and high efficiency of seabuckthorn. With the economic benefits and ecological benefits incorporated into the integrated management system of seabuckthorn and the development and utilization of cultivation techniques and economic value, seabuckthorn breeding has been extensively studied at home and abroad, The development of the proposed higher requirements. In recent years, we have successively introduced Russian and Mongolian seabuckthorn cultivated varieties, which have excellent economic traits such as large fruit, high yield, no sting and long stalk. In order to promote the limited precious resources in the production as soon as possible so that it can give full play to greater economic benefits, we explored the ways of rapid propagation of the fine varieties of seabuckthorn. Practice shows that using the young Chinese seabuckthorn as the rootstock Low grafting breeding method is to maintain the excellent characteristics of the mother plant, access to more high-quality spike and rapid propagation of an important technical means. With low grafting, the base of scion is located in the lower part of the surface layer, which has good moisturizing properties and can rapidly input moisture and nutrients. The graft area is well healed, with good windbreak protection and high survival rate, with a survival rate of more than 80%. 8 ~ 1.3m, with an average crown width of 1.0m. In the same year, more ear material could be provided for tender shoot cutting and the ideal effect was obtained. 1. Collect Scion Shear Time Before the early flowering tree liquid did not flow, select the robust tree growth and robust. No pests, bud full of branches. Generally collected in the upper part of the crown of the outer branches 1a or 1a sprout branches. Scissors cut every 50 after a bundle on the lower temperature in the cave or cave buried in wet sand, often keep moist.
目的探讨2型糖尿病(T2DM)患者胰岛素抵抗(IR)分级标准,为T2DM诊治提供科学依据。方法 T2DM患者280例,对空腹血糖(FPG)、空腹胰岛素(FINS)、稳态模型的胰岛素抵抗指数(HOMA-IR
国家西部大开发战略的实施 ,为内蒙古经济发展带来了新的机遇和挑战。我们必须以新的观念和思维 ,立足于新的体制背景、市场态势和对外开放环境 ,科学地认识内蒙古经济发展中
叶利钦总统的主动辞职 ,把普京推上代总统的宝座 ,并且在即将举行的总统大选中前景乐观。因此 ,普京的政策主张已成为各国普遍关注的热点。任总理以来 ,普京在国家杜马作的施