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目的对家种不同栽培条件下白花丹药材根、茎、叶中的白花丹醌进行含量测定,为建立白花丹野生变家种的栽培技术规范提供实验数据。方法采用高效液相色谱法测定家种药材根、茎、叶中白花丹醌的含量。结果在熟土和黏土中生长的药材中白花丹醌的含量高于沙土、生土;施加K肥和N肥的药材中白花丹醌的含量高于施加P肥的药材,在全光照条件下生长的药材白花丹醌含量最高;不同繁殖方式中,根、茎和叶中白花丹醌的含量变化不大。结论课题组前期研究成果表明,白花丹醌为白花丹药材抗癌和抗炎等生物活性的主要有效成分,因此,从白花丹醌含量的角度考虑,白花丹药材的最佳栽培条件为:土壤为黏土,采用扦插苗,生长过程中施加一定的N肥和K肥,光照条件为全光照,在此条件下可获得优质高产的白花丹药材。 Objective To determine the content of plumbagin in root, stem and leaf of Chinese medicinal materials Huayuandan under different cultivation conditions, and to provide experimental data for establishing the technical specifications for the cultivation of wild Huayandan. Methods HPLC method was used to determine the content of plumbagin in roots, stems and leaves of medicinal herbs. Results The content of plumbagin in medicinal plants grown in clayey soil and clayey soil was higher than that in sandy soil and earthen soil. The content of plumbagoid in the medicinal materials applying K fertilizer and N fertilizer was higher than that in P - The content of plumbagin was the highest in the growing medicinal materials. The content of plumbagin in roots, stems and leaves did not change much in different breeding methods. Conclusions The previous research results of the research group showed that plumbagin is the main active component of anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory biological activity of the Chinese white Huadan, so the best cultivation conditions of the Chinese medicinal materials are soil For clay, cutting seedlings, the growth process to impose a certain amount of N fertilizer and K fertilizer, light conditions for the whole light, in this condition can be obtained high-quality and high-yield white Huadu herbs.
目的研究海洋来源真菌Penicillium sacculum的次级代谢产物。方法采用多种色谱方法进行分离纯化,通过理化性质和波谱数据鉴定化合物的结构;采用台盼蓝排斥法和MTT法进行抗肿
目的研究短瓣金莲花水溶性部位的化学成分。方法采用硅胶柱色谱、Sephadex LH-20凝胶色谱、中压及高压半制备色谱等手段分离,并运用现代光谱技术鉴定化合物结构。结果从短瓣
目的 综述非病毒载体介导基因转染存在的屏障及跨越细胞障碍的方法和原理.方法 通过阅读近几年国内外具有代表性的文献,对非病毒载体介导的基因转染存在的主要屏障进行归纳总
目的 分别建立测定人尿中磺化脱氢松香酸( Ecabet)的液质联用法和铋(Bi)的氢化原子荧光法,考察二者在中国健康受试者尿液中的排泄特征.方法 尿液样品以甲醇沉淀并以乙酸酸化
摘 要:随着现代经济和科技的迅猛发展,社会要求全面发展,因此,音乐教育越来越被重视,尤其是特长生的培养,也已经达到了登峰造极的地步。作为音乐教育工作者,认为培养特长生应该从以下三方面入手。  关键词:情感;素养;专一性  一、加强音乐情感的培养  许多家长培养孩子学习音乐只是为了获得一种谋生的手段或是作为一种娱乐活动,毫不顾忌孩子内心的感受。有句话说得好:兴趣是最好的老师。不难想象,如果对音乐缺乏