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电灯使黑暗化为光明,使大千世界变得更光彩夺目,绚丽多姿,已经成为人们生活中不可缺少的家电用品。讲起电灯的发明,人们会自然的想起大发明家爱迪生,他曾经为选择合适的灯丝实验了1600多种材料,使白炽灯的寿命达到1200小时,使电灯进入实用阶段。电灯就是爱迪生发明的吗?这项伟大的发明究竟从何时开始的呢?下面我们来看一看电灯的发明史。 Lights turn the darkness into light, making the world more dazzling and beautiful. It has become an indispensable household appliance in people’s lives. Speaking of the invention of the electric lamp, people would naturally think of Edison, the great inventor. He had experimented with more than 1,600 kinds of materials for the selection of the appropriate filaments, making the lifespan of incandescent lamps reach 1,200 hours, and making the lamps enter the practical stage. Did Edison invent the lamp? When did this great invention start? Let’s take a look at the history of the invention of the lamp.
1 病例摘要患者男性 ,2 4岁 ,因肉眼血尿伴肾功能进行性减退 1月 ,于 1999 0 3 18入院。缘于 1999 0 2 0 1出现“上感”样症状 ,未用药物治疗 ,2天后症状自行缓解。同年 3
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黄颡鱼,俗称盎期鱼、黄刺鱼等,我国大部分的江河湖泊、池沼均有分布。黄颡鱼肉质细嫩,味道鲜美,不但有滋补作用,还有一定的药用价值,在日本、 Catfish, commonly known as t
膀胱肿瘤浸润性生长以及转移是患者预后不良的主要原因 ,因此了解与膀胱癌浸润与转移的相关因子有重要的临床意义。在诸多影响癌浸润及转移的因素中 ,普遍存在于细胞外基质 (
虾类由于其营养丰富,味道鲜美一直是最受消费者青睐的水产品之一,也是我国水产品出口创汇的主打品种,据测定:每100克鲜河虾 Shrimp because of its nutrient-rich, deliciou
一、填空题(每空3分共48分)1.将下列各数,填人相应的集合内一7,一0 .01,0,2217’0.5 ,_、6一(一3)一二 7..…’} .,…} ……} ……}一卜引.!一41正数集合{负数集合{整数集合{