A Trip to the Great Wall

来源 :英语大王 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wgsgdy
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Hi! I’m Kate Lee. I come from England. I’m ten years old. I love China very much. I think the Great Wall of China is the greatest building project in the world.* I want to visit it one day. I can’t imagine how the Chinese people built the Great Wall.* I’m ten years old. I love China very much. I think the Great Wall of China is the greatest building project in the world. * I want to visit it one day I can not imagine how the Chinese people built the Great Wall. *
花季女孩身患绝症,她知道所剩的日子不多了,但她没有选择软弱和放弃。她体会着妈妈的爱,并且把自己最美的一面展示给身边的人…… Season girl suffering from terminal ill
Hello, we are water lilies*. We live in the pond. Look, our green leaves are big and flat(平的). People call them lily pads*. Our roots(根) and stalks(茎) are under the water. Our flowers are very beautif
I had a good sleep!
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