The Floating Stars

来源 :英语大王 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dumala
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  Hello, we are water lilies*. We live in the pond. Look, our green leaves are big and flat(平的). People call them lily pads*. Our roots(根) and stalks(茎) are under the water. Our flowers are very beautiful. They have many colours like white, red, pink and yellow. Do we look like the floating stars on the water?
  We like the warm sunshine very much, so our flowers often open in the morning. In September, we will produce(结出果实) green fruit. Many water birds and ducks like to eat them. They are delicious!
  floating /5flEJtIN/ adj. 漂浮的
  water lily 睡莲
  lily pad 睡莲叶
  Fun Facts:
  We are different from* lotus flowers(荷花).
  We look like lotus flowers, but we are different! Look, the lotus flowers are above* the water, but we are floating on the water.*
  Frogs are our good friends.
  We have many good friends. They are frogs! They often play and rest on our lily pads!
  The Blue Water Lilies are the national flowers* of Egypt(埃及).
  There are many kinds of water lilies in the world. The Blue Water Lilies are the national flowers of Egypt. Wow, what a beautiful flower!
  Victoria Regia(王莲) are the largest* water lilies in the world.
  Look, the lily pads are so large! They are the largest water lilies in the world. Their flowers only open in the evening.
  Look, the lotus flowers are above the water, but we are floating on the water.
  different from 和……不同
  above /E5bQv/ prep. 在……上方
  national flower 国花
  largest /5lB:dVIst/ adj. 最大的(large的最高级)
My little world is my bedroom. It’s very beautiful. Entering my room, the first look is a bright window. What’s near the window? Oh, it’s a white wardrobe. A
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