Sentinel lymph node mapping for malignant melanoma of the external auditory canal

来源 :World Journal of Surgical Procedures | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cestlaviewuyu
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We describe a novel technique for sentinel lymph node mapping and biopsy of a primary cutaneous malignant melanoma in the medial portion of the external auditory canal. The approach is illustrated through a case report and technical description of a procedure performed under general anesthesia on a 19-year-old female patient. Due to the hidden and sensitive location of the primary tumor in the medial external auditory canal, the lymphoscintigraphy injection had to be performed by the surgeon immediately prior to the resection of her c T2 a N0M0 lesion. Final pathology revealed clear margins at the primary site resection and 2 intraparotid sentinel lymph nodes with microscopic foci of metastatic malignant melanoma, which led to further surgical management. A completion left parotidectomy and neck dissection yielded no additional metastatic disease in the fifty-five nodes that were evaluated. Using this technique, sentinel lymph node mapping and biopsy accurately predicted the highest risk lymph nodes for the primary lesion of the medial portion of the external auditory canal. We describe a novel technique for sentinel lymph node mapping and biopsy of a primary cutaneous malignant melanoma in the medial portion of the external auditory canal. The approach is illustrated through a case report and technical description of a procedure performed under general anesthesia on a 19- year-old female patient. Due to the hidden and sensitive location of the primary tumor in the medial external auditory canal, the lymphoscintigraphy injection had to be performed by the surgeon immediately prior to the resection of her c T2 a NOM0 lesion. Final pathology revealed clear margins at the primary site resection and 2 intraparotid sentinel lymph nodes with microscopic foci of metastatic malignant melanoma, which led to further surgical management. A completion left parotidectomy and neck dissection yielded no additional metastatic disease in the fifty-five nodes that were evaluated. Using this technique, sentinel lymph node mapping and biopsy exactly predicted the highest ri sk lymph nodes for the primary lesion of the medial portion of the external auditory canal.
摘要 :在《美术游戏化教学》中培养幼儿的自主性就要做到以儿童的身心特点为基础,恰当制定目标,重视环境创设,和区角创设并在活动中发挥孩子的自主性,从而培养他们的创造力和想想力,提高幼儿的综合素质。  关键词:幼儿;区角活动;自主性  近年来的研究和实践证明,区角活动是幼儿非常喜欢的一种学习活动,是当前幼儿园实施素质教育,推动幼教改革的一种重要的教育活动形式,它能促进幼儿全面素质的形成发展和提高,同时
[摘要] 在人类社会发展的今天,对人的素质提出了越来越高的要求,心理健康教育越來越被大家所重视。开展心理健康教育工作是关系到小学生身心健康发展的大事,是实施素质教育的一项重要工作。  [关键词] 心理健康 自我教育 教学  G444  随着素质教育的全面推开和逐步深入,学生的心理素质这一层面也受到更多重视。作为完善和提高学生的心理素质的重要形式和手段——心理健康教育,受到了人们前所未有的关注。而农
【摘 要】随着国家对教育的重视越来越加大,小学课堂中传统的教学模式已经不再适应现代教育的要求。本文论述了在小学课堂教育中“以学生为中心”的重要性,并且提出相关的几点建议,供同行方家参考与批判。  【关键词】小学课堂教育;以学生为中心;主动性  一、前言  随着国家的发展,经济水平不断提高,国家越来越重视文化教育。但是传统的小学教育模式根深蒂固,一时难以适应新时期教育的需求。针对这种情况,教育工作者
家庭教育是教育的起点,父母是孩子的第一任老师,所以家庭教育不但不可或缺,还应讲科学、讲方法,以保证幼儿身心健康成长. 笔者从事幼教工作数十年,发现家长对孩子的管教存在
近日出版的《红旗文稿》刊发文章说,我们的舆论往往作片面的理解,认为国际话语权的大小根本取决于国家实力的大小。虽然不能否认实力强大对于话语权是一个积 The recently p