
来源 :农村科技开发 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:suhuisu
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近几年在新建的苹果密植园中,由于个别果农的技术素质较差或劳力不足等原因,不能对苹果密植园采取及时有效的管理措施,致使不少园片初结果或未结果即进入郁闭状态。一、苹果郁闭园存在的问题苹果园郁闭后,株行间枝条交接或交叉,树冠内大量存在对生、轮生、并生、回生及交叉重叠的枝或枝组,使光照条件迅速恶化。树体高大、生长势较强的树为争光争肥,侵占通风透光带和邻树的生长空间。上层及外围枝 In recent years in the newly built apple plantations, due to the poor technical quality of individual farmers or lack of labor and other reasons, can not take timely and effective management of apple plantations, resulting in a lot of early or late results that the park into the Yu Closed state. First, the problem of apple canyon park After the apple orchard canopy, the branches of the intercourse branches or cross, there are a large number of crown in the crown, whorled, and students, reincarnation and cross overlapping branches or branches group, so that light conditions quickly deterioration. Tree tall, strong growth potential of the tree for the fight for fertilizer, occupy the ventilation zone and adjacent tree growth space. Upper and outer branches