
来源 :国外医学参考资料.皮肤病学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:SYNJONES123
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作者在1974年10月~1975年4月用稍加改良的微量淋巴细胞毒性试验二期法,测定90例彼此无亲缘关系的白种人白癜风患者HL-A抗原类型,341名HL-A表现型已确定的健康供血者作对照,发现90例白癜风患者和341例健康对照者HL-A抗原出现率相似。并测定不同性别、皮损范围,毛囊色素系统受侵犯,外因激发起病者以及25岁以前发病者,结果亦均未发现有诊断和预后意义的HL-A类型。23例有亲缘关系的白癜风患者与无家族史患者HL-A抗原出现率无差别。有一个家庭三代中5个成员患白癜风,其中4例HL-A己分型,未发现有与本病有关的单型。90例患者中4例有甲状腺疾病,16例有一个亲属患甲状腺疾病,该20例HL-A分布类型与其他白癜风患者和健康对照者相似。 The authors tested the HL-A antigen type, 341 HL-A phenotypes in 90 unrelated Caucasian vitiligo patients from October 1974 to April 1975 with a slightly modified second phase lymphocyte cytotoxicity assay Type has been identified as a control of healthy blood donors and found that 90 cases of vitiligo patients and 341 cases of healthy controls HL-A antigen similar rates. And the determination of different genders, lesions range, hair follicle pigment system infringement, external excitation and onset of patients before the age of 25, the results also did not find a diagnosis and prognosis of HL-A type. The incidence of HL-A antigen in 23 cases of patients with vitiligo and no family history had no difference. There are five members of a family of three generations suffering from vitiligo, of which 4 cases of HL-A has been type, did not find the disease associated with the type. Of the 90 patients, 4 had thyroid disease and 16 had a relative who had thyroid disease. The 20 HL-A distribution patterns were similar to those of other vitiligo patients and healthy controls.
The seventh Sino-US Chemistry Professors Conference,co-organized by Guizhou University (Professor Baoan Song as the chairman) and CAPA (The Chinese-American Che
高密度脂蛋白(HDL)是脂蛋白的一种,自1975年 Miller 提出 HDL 低水平是冠心病的危险因子以来,受到了多方面的重视。近年,对 HDL 代谢异常与某些疾病的因果关系也有不少研究,
This paper reports a new donor-acceptor copolymer semiconductor, PTBTh, comprising bithiophene and bithiazole where the regular coplanar structure and the intra