A structurally ordered thiophene-thiazole copolymer for organic thin-film transistors

来源 :Science China(Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sbisk
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This paper reports a new donor-acceptor copolymer semiconductor, PTBTh, comprising bithiophene and bithiazole where the regular coplanar structure and the intramolecular charge transfer are expected to increase the opportunity for --- stacking and charge transport. The AFM image shows lamellar stacking of the polymer on the surface. The field-effect transistor (FET) properties of PTBTh have been evaluated by a bottom-contact/bottom-gate TFT configuration. The device showed a high hole mobility of 1.14×10-2 cm2 V-1 s-1 and a current on/off ratio of 3×105 with the polymer thin film annealed at a mild temperature of 120 ℃ when measured under ambient conditions. This paper reports a new donor-acceptor copolymer semiconductor, PTBTh, comprising bithiophene and bithiazole where the regular coplanar structure and the intramolecular charge transfer are expected to increase the opportunity for --- stacking and charge transport. The AFM image shows lamellar stacking of the The field-effect transistor (FET) properties of PTBTh have been evaluated by a bottom-contact / bottom-gate TFT configuration. The device showed a high hole mobility of 1.14 × 10-2 cm2 V-1 s- 1 and a current on / off ratio of 3 × 105 with the polymer thin film annealed at a mild temperature of 120 ℃ when measured under ambient conditions.
The seventh Sino-US Chemistry Professors Conference,co-organized by Guizhou University (Professor Baoan Song as the chairman) and CAPA (The Chinese-American Che
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