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深圳市是我国南方的~座美丽城市,也是在十多年改革开放中奋然崛起的一座新兴城市。今天,我们在这里召开国际会议,有众多的中外著名会计专家,特别是国际会计准则委员会的朋友们一起参加,专门研讨会计准则,这在中国还是第一次。我作为一名从事会计工作50多年的“老兵”,感到由衷的高兴,衷心祝愿这次会议圆满成功。会计准则,是会计人员从事会计核算必须遵循的基本原则,是会计行为的规范化要求,也是会计工作法制化的重要组成部分。会计准则,既涉及会计理论和方法,又影响会计实务和操作,在整个会计领域中具有极其重要的作用和影响。我们这次会议以会计准则为研讨主题,意义重大,影响深远。新中国成立以后,特别是实行改革开放政策以来,我国政府十分重视会计工作的提高和 Shenzhen is a beautiful city in the south of our country and an emerging city that has been rising rapidly in more than a decade of reform and opening up. Today, we hold an international conference here. There are many famous Chinese and foreign accounting experts, especially the IASB friends, who participated in the accounting standards for the first time. This is the first time in China. As a “veteran” who has been in accounting for more than 50 years, I am truly delighted and wish my meeting a success. Accounting standards, accounting personnel engaged in accounting must comply with the basic principles is the standardization of accounting practices, but also accounting an important part of the legal system. Accounting standards, both accounting theory and methods, but also affect accounting practices and operations, in the accounting area has an extremely important role and influence. Our meeting with accounting standards as the topic of discussion, of great significance, far-reaching impact. Since the founding of New China, especially since the implementation of the policy of reform and opening up, our government attaches great importance to the improvement of accounting work and
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本文主要介绍采用无反射棱镜激光全站仪进行隧道施工测量、断面检查、竣工测量的方法,精度分析以及误差来源。 This article mainly introduces the method of non-reflecti
学术界普遍认为,乔姆斯基的“Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.”是一个合法但不合义的句子。持这一观点的学者仅从词语最典型的意义角度来解读,未充分考虑词语的多义