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一、发生特点与危害 菌螨俗称“菌虱”,是食用菌制种栽培中危害最大的菌害。其繁殖能力极强,个体很小,分散活动时很难发现,当聚集成堆被发现时,已对生产造成损害。菌螨不仅对食用菌本身进行危害,而巨亦对工作人员进行危害。其危害情况分三个方面:一是菌螨直接取食菌丝,造成接种后不发菌或发菌后出现“退菌”现象,导致培养料变黑腐烂。二是污染子实体,当出菇阶段(即子实体生长阶段)发生螨害时,大量的菌螨爬上子实体,取食菌褶中的担孢子,并躲藏于菌褶中,不但影响鲜菇品质,而且危害人体健康。苦吃下一定量的菌螨,即可引起腹泻等肠道疾患。三是直接危害工作 First, the occurrence of characteristics and hazards Acaricus commonly known as “bacterial lice” is the most harmful fungus in the cultivation of edible fungus. Its ability to reproduce very strong, small individuals, scattered activities is difficult to find, when the pile is found to be found, has caused damage to production. Mites mites not only harm the edible fungus itself, but giant also harm the staff. The damage is divided into three aspects: First, fungi mites direct feeding mycelium, resulting in inoculation after germ or germ “back off” phenomenon, leading to culture materials become black rot. Second, the pollutant entity, when the fruiting stage (ie fruiting body growth stage) occurred when the mite damage, a large number of bacteria and mites crawling on fruiting bodies, take the pleuromucoid spores, and hiding in the folds, not only affect the fresh Mushroom quality, but also endanger human health. Bitter eat a certain amount of bacteria mites, can cause diarrhea and other intestinal disorders. Third, direct harm to work
小麦在收获后2个月内,还有明显的后熟期,粮堆上层容易发生“出汗”、发热、生虫、生霉等不良现象。一、贮藏中的问题1.麦堆结顶小麦后熟期呼 Wheat within 2 months after h
海藻是海洋中的一种自繁植物,能进行光合作用,把海洋中的无机质转化为有机质,国外一些发达国家普遍应用海藻粉作饲料添加剂 .
一、温差刺激法 在平菇子实体形成阶段,每天给予7℃~12℃的温差刺激,可促使出菇提早,子实体发育整齐。方法是;白天盖膜保温,晴天早晨或傍晚揭膜露床,通风降温,加大温差,并结
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