Preparation of Diphenylcarbazide-Directed Cd Se Quantum Dots and Selective Determination for Cr(Ⅵ)

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangchongzhan
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Cd Se quantum dots(QDs) were synthesized using diphenylcarbazide(DL) to sequester QDs precursors(Cd~(2+)) in situ. Fluorescence(FL) analysis showed the successive synthesis of QDs could be realized by capping with DL and the binding between DL and Cd~(2+). The average QDs particle size was about 5-20 nm by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy(HRTEM). Fourier transform infrared(FT-IR) spectra showed that Cd Se QDs could be chemically bonded with DL. The formation of QDs-DL-Cr(Ⅵ) could lower the fluorescence intensity of QDs. In a certain concentration range, the fluorescence intensity and Cr(Ⅵ) concentration presented a linear relationship. As a result, this phenomenon could be used to determine the Cr(Ⅵ) concentration in the range of 0-24 ×10~(-6) mol· L~(-1). CdSe quantum dots (QDs) were synthesized using diphenylcarbazide (DL) to sequester QDs precursors (Cd ~ (2+)) in situ. Fluorescence (FL) analysis showed the successive synthesis of QDs could be realized by capping with DL and the binding Between DL and Cd ~ (2+). The average QDs particle size was about 5-20 nm by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectra showed that Cd Se QDs could be chemically bonded The formation of QDs-DL-Cr (VI) could lower the fluorescence intensity of QDs. In a certain concentration range, the fluorescence intensity and Cr (VI) concentration presented a linear relationship. As a result, this phenomenon could be used to determine the Cr (Ⅵ) concentration in the range of 0-24 × 10 -6 mol · L -1.
1946年9月10日这天是中秋节。三纵队司令员陈锡联、六纵队司令员王近山和七纵队司令员杨勇到“野司”开会。“野司”就是第二野战军司令部的简称。  陈锡联在前往安陵集的二野司令部的路上想:从邯郸出發,几个月来,我军所向披靡,连战皆捷,如今适逢中秋节,“野司”请各纵队司令去开会,必是要犒劳大家。  当参加安陵集会议的各纵队首长,满面春风向邓小平伸出手时,邓小平却用手摇摇说:“这次开的是不握手会议!”这
一个变招,主攻集团用户一个接招,早已成竹在胸高手过招,招招凶险,招招致命…… A change of tactics, the main group of users to take a move, already know how to move