
来源 :四川党的建设(农村版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:towon
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犍为县罗城镇的白鹤村,过去有成群的白鹤在这里栖息。后来,林渐渐消失,地渐渐贫瘠,人渐渐穷困,白鹤也哀鸣着离开了这里。历史翻到了新的一页,改革的春风吹醒了沉睡的山村。村党支部一班人从实践中悟出“发展才是硬道理”的这个理,带领干部、群众努力发展经济并搞好精神文明建设,使这个出名的后进村变为受到省委、省政府表彰的先进村。全村564户村民户户脱贫。1 村党支部的同志清醒地认识到,要求得发展,就要转变观念。因此,他们从我做起,带头学习,并组织村、组干部和群众学习,了解党的政策精神,体会以经济建设为中心的内在涵义,明白贫穷不是社会主义。 犍 County crane white crane village, in the past there are groups of white crane habitat here. Later, Lin disappeared gradually to gradually barren, people gradually poor, white crane is also whining left here. History turned to a new page, the spring breeze of reform awakened sleeping mountain village. The principle of “development is the last word” has been realized in practice by a group of people in the party branch of the village, leading cadres and the masses in their efforts to develop the economy and improve the building of spiritual civilization, turning this well-known backward village into a province under the guidance of the provincial party committee, The provincial government commended the advanced village. Whole village 564 villagers households out of poverty. The comrades of a village party branch have clearly realized that if they demanded development, they would change their mindset. Therefore, they started from me and took the lead in studying. They also organized village and group cadres and the masses to learn about the spirit of the party’s policies and understand the inherent meaning of taking economic construction as their core. They understood that poverty is not socialism.
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