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2020年前后非常规天然气产量有望达到1500亿立方米,与常规天然气产量大致相当;到2030年前后可能达到3000亿立方米,约占天然气总产量的2/3,成为支撑我国天然气工业快速、健康发展的主体能源。届时,煤炭在能源结构中的比例有望大幅降低,这对我国能源安全保障和环境保护是一个重大贡献。 Unconventional natural gas production is expected to reach 150 billion cubic meters by 2020, roughly the same as that of conventional natural gas. By 2030, it may reach 300 billion cubic meters, accounting for about two thirds of the total natural gas output. This will be a key factor in supporting the rapid and healthy development of China’s natural gas industry Development of the main energy. By then, the proportion of coal in the energy structure is expected to be significantly reduced, which is a major contribution to China’s energy security and environmental protection.
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Subject Code:E01With the support of the National Natural Science Foundation of China,the research team led by Prof.Zheng Yanzhan(郑彦臻)at the Frontier Institut