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1东晋书法家王羲之(303-361)的《兰亭序》是中国书法史上影响最大、流传最广的作品,几乎没有一件作品能与之相媲美。但《兰亭序》又是书法史上最有争议、最富有神秘感的作品。在此,我也只能将其来龙去脉向读者作个大体交代。王羲之出身于山东琅琊临沂豪门大族。王氏家族从将军? 1 The Orchid Pavilion Preface by Wang Xizhi (303-361), a calligrapher in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, is the most influential and widely circulated work in the history of calligraphy in China. Few works are comparable to it. However, “Orchid Pavilion” is the most controversial calligraphy history, the most mysterious works. At this point, I can only make a general explanation to the reader. Wang Xizhi was born in Shandong Langyao Linyi wealthy people. Wang family from the general?
A series of x NiAl_2O_4/γ-Al_2O_3 composites with various Ni contents have been prepared via one-step partial hydrolysis of metal nitrate salts in the absence
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Based on the comparison between ontology and thesaurus, and the analysis of an ontology-based Information Retrieval (IR) model, the potential advantages that on
The complement fixation test(CFT)is a serological test that can be used to detect the presence of either specific antibody or antigen to diagnose infections,par