The abnormal electrostatic discharge of a no-connect metal cover in a ceramic packaging device

来源 :Journal of Semiconductors | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sdnuyzw101
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The human body model(HBM) stress of a no-connect metal cover is tested to obtain the characteristics of abnormal electrostatic discharge,including current waveforms and peak current under varied stress voltage and device failure voltage.A new discharge model called the “sparkover-induced model” is proposed based on the results.Then,failure mechanism analysis and model simulation are performed to prove that the transient peak current caused by a sparkover of low arc impedance will result in the devices’ premature damage when the potential difference between the no-connect metal cover and the chip exceeds the threshold voltage of sparkover. The human body model (HBM) stress of a no-connect metal cover is tested to obtain the characteristics of abnormal electrostatic discharge, including current waveforms and peak current under varied stress voltage and device failure voltage. A new discharge model called the “sparkover -induced model ”is proposed based on the results. Chen, failure mechanism analysis and model simulation are performed to prove that the transient peak current caused by a sparkover of low arc impedance will result in the devices’ premature damage when the potential difference between the no-connect metal cover and the chip exceeds the threshold voltage of sparkover.
摘 要: 作者根据《机械基础》这门课程的特点,结合实际的教学经验,从提高课堂的趣味性和完善评价机制两方面阐述了提高《机械基础》课程教学有效性的方法。  关键词: 有效教学 快乐课堂 生动课堂 评价体系 过程评价    《机械基础》是机电专业的一门专业基础课,具有较强的实践性。它要求学生有一定的实践知识。而刚从初中毕业的中职学生,从校门走进校门,缺少的正是感性知识,这给本课程的学习带来了一定的困难。