Eat Pray Love

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  【Abstract】This article is a brief introduction and discussion of the book Eat Pray Love, written by Elizabeth Gilbert. Based on specific quotes from the book, the article categorizes the reading benefits into three main aspects: cultural aspect, spiritual aspect, and psychological aspect, aiming to interest more people to read this book and get their share of benefits.
  【Key words】Eat Pray Love; Elizabeth Gilbert; culturally; spiritually; psychologically
  It was quite by accident that I got my hands on the book Eat Pray Love written by Elizabeth Gilbert in a bookstore. On the cover, the introduction goes: “In her early thirties, Elizabeth Gilbert had everything a modern American woman was supposed to want——husband, country home, successful career——but instead of feeling happy and fulfilled, she felt consumed by panic and confusion. This wise and rapturous book is the story of how she left behind all these outward marks of success, and of what she found in their place. Following a divorce and a crushing depression, Gilbert set out to examine three different aspects of her nature, set against the backdrop of three different cultures: pleasure in Italy, devotion in India, and on the Indonesian island of Bali, a balance between worldly enjoyment and divine transcendence.” So, this book is not fictional but about true (or almost true) things that actually happened in the author’s life. This idea interested me immensely and I immediately decided to buy and read it. Thanks to this wise purchase, I’ve been blessed with almost one month’s time of getting engaged, amused, thrilled, illuminated and finally elated by this incredibly wonderful book.
   Having finished reading this book, I am pretty sure I’ve benefited tremendously from it. To be more specific and analytical, I will present these benefits in three main aspects——the cultural aspect, the spiritual aspect and the psychological aspect.
  1. The Cultural Aspect
  Often, the term culture sounds pretty abstract to our ear. In this book, with Gilbert’s observatory eyes, sensitive feelings and expressive words, culture comes across as being something concrete and solid, appreciable and touchable, unfolding itself in details.
  Example 1.1 (P.79-81)   “While I have come Italy in order to experience pleasure, during the first few weeks I was there, I felt a bit of panic as to how one should do that. Frankly, pure pleasure is not my cultural paradigm. I come from a long line of super-conscientious people. My mother’s family were Swedish immigrant farmers, who look in their photographs like, if they’d ever even seen something pleasurable, they might have stomped on it with their hobnailed boots. (My uncle calls the whole lot of them “oxen.”) My father’s side of the family were English Puritans, those great goofy lovers of fun. If I look on my dad’s family tree all the way back to the seventeenth century, I can actually find Puritan relatives with names like Diligence and Meekness.
  My own parents have a small farm, and my sister and I grew up working. We were taught to be dependable, responsible, the top of our classes at school, the most organized and efficient babysitters in town, the very miniature models of our hardworking farmer/ nurse of a mother, a pair of junior Swiss Army Knives, born to multitask. We had a lot of enjoyment in my family, a lot of laughter, but the walls were papered with to-do lists and I never experienced or witnessed idleness, not once in my whole entire life.
  Generally speaking, though, Americans have an inability to relax into sheer pleasure. Ours is an entertainment-seeking nation, but not necessarily a pleasure-seeking one. Americans spend billions to keep themselves amused with everything from porns to theme parks to wars, but that’s not exactly the same thing as quiet enjoyment. Americans work harder, longer and more stressful hours than anyone in the world today. But as Luca Spaghetti pointed out, we seem to like it. Alarming statistics back this observation up, showing that many Americans feel happy and fulfilled in their offices than they do in their own homes. Of course, we all inevitably work too hard, then we get burned out and have to spend the whole weekend in our pajamas, eating cereal straight out of the box and staring at the TV in a mild coma(which is the opposite of working, yes, but not exactly the same thing as pleasure). Americans don’t really know how to do nothing. This is the cause of that great sad American stereotype --- the over-exhausted executive who goes on vacation, but who cannot relax.
  ...But even against that backdrop of hard work, il bel far nente( meaning “the beauty of doing nothing”) has always been a cherished Italian ideal. The beauty of doing nothing is the goal of all your work, the final accomplishment for which you are most highly congratulated. The more exquisitely and delightfully you can do nothing, the higher your life’s achievement. You don’t necessarily need to be rich in order to experience this, either. There’s another wonderful Italian expression: l’arte d’arrangiarsi--- the art of making something out of nothing. The art of turning a few simple ingredients into a feast, or a few gathered friends into a festival. Anyone with a talent for happiness can do this, not only the rich.   For me, though, a major obstacle in my pursuit of happiness was my ingrained sense of Puritan guilt. Do I really deserve this pleasure? This is very American, too --- the insecurity about whether we have earned our happiness. Planet Advertising in America orbits completely around the need to convince the uncertain consumer that yes, you have actually warranted a special treat. This Bud is for You! You Deserve a Break Today! Because You are Worth it! You have Come a Long Way, Baby! ... Such advertising campaigns would probably not be as effective in the Italian culture, where people already know that they are entitled to enjoyment in this life. ...”
  Personal note: In the first weeks of the her stay in Italy, where she planned to experience that famous pure pleasure, the author experienced kind of a cultural shock, as demonstrated in the above quotation. Influenced by puritan tradition, Americans tend to value discipline, diligence, work and responsibility, whereas in Italy, people tend to demonstrate their love for “the beauty of doing nothing”in almost every aspect of their life, even to the extent of regarding it as the highest achievement of their life. One negative side effect of the American culture is that people there tend to work too much to relax themselves in an appropriate and pleasant way, as evidenced both by the author’s experience of her inability to taste “pure pleasure” in the initial phase of her stay in Italy and “that great sad American stereotype --- the over-exhausted executive who goes on vacation, but who cannot relax”. Though the negative side effect of Italian culture is not mentioned in the book, I believe there is one. Maybe, the love for enjoying “the beauty of doing nothing” is to blame for the reportedly sluggish Italian economy in these years!? The differences between the American advertising campaigns and the Italian ones, as mentioned in the above quotation, also make me stop to notice that our Chinese advertising campaigns share more characteristics with American ones than Italian ones. For example, in our Chinese TV Commercials, we can hear encouraging lines going like:”You Deserve It! (你值得擁有!)” and “Parents Have Worked Hard Their Whole Life, and It’s Time for Them to Enjoy a Wonderful Relaxing Lifestyle. (父母辛苦了一辈子,是享清福的时候了!)”.
【摘要】初中英语课堂的低效化问题在长时间以来都是人们对教育领域普遍关注的重点问题,但是在新课改已经贯彻落实了一段时间的当下,农村地区初中英语课堂上依旧存在着低效问题,限制了农村初中生英语学习能力的提升。本文主要针对农村初中英语课堂教学中的实际情况,探讨其低效问题的影响因素,并提出有效的解决策略,以期切实提升农村初中生的英语学习效率。  【关键词】农村初中;英语课堂;低效化;影响因素  【作者简介】
【摘要】在目前高职教育教学中,英语教育教学属于十分重要的内容及组成部分,在提升学生的英语能力及水平方面发挥着十分重要的作用,因而有效开展高职英语教育十分必要。分层教学模式的应用可使教学质量及水平实现有效提升,有利于学生英语综合素质的培养。本文主要针对分层教学模式在高职英语教育中的应用进行分析,以实现更理想的高职英语教育教学。  【关键词】高职英语;分层教学模式;应用  【作者简介】陈华萍(1980
【摘要】随着科技和经济的持续进步,高中教育已经逐渐变成目前我们国家十分重视的对象之一。在英语教学之中,阅读一直是其中十分重要的一个部分,对学生的综合水平提升有着极为重要的影响。为此,教师理应提高重视程度,改进教学方案,促使学生们可以有效融入到课堂之中,提升教学质量。本篇文章将阐述英语学科核心素养的基本内涵,探讨高中英语教学存在的问题,并对于具体改进的方法方面提出一些合理的见解。  【关键词】学科;
【摘要】英语科组是以英语教师为核心的教学研究单位,其职责是引导教师积极主动地参与教学教研活动,用科研促教研,不断优化教学方式,提高教师们的业务水平和提升教师自身的素质修养。因此,为了提高教学质量,提升英语科组整体的能力水平,创建思想先进的教师团队,从而对英语科组建设进行了深入的探究。  【关键词】英语科组;建设;提高;教研  【作者简介】黄小玉,罗定市榃滨中学。  一、英语科组存在问题与现状分析 
【摘要】语言是文化与知识的结晶,也体现着人的思维方式。在学习外语这门学科时,要对英国国家的思维习惯与文化进行了解和认识。基于英语学科核心素养,老师关注提升学生英语技能、知识能力的同时,还有对学生的文化品格、情感价值以及学习态度等进行培养,最终全面推动学生发展。本文以高考试题分析为切入点,对培养高中生英语核心素养的内容进行了研究分析。  【关键词】高考试题;分析;高中英语;核心素养;培养方法  【作
【摘要】在初中英语教学内容中,词汇可以说是重中之重。教师在展开教学时必须充分地重视词汇教学过程的高效化,让学生可以在初中英语学习过程中不断地提升自己的词汇水平,进而为学生的高效英语学习进程提供强有力的保障。本文从充分利用生活素材来有效丰富学生词汇储备量、借助情境展开教学来增强学生词汇理解能力以及利用游戏辅助教学来提升课堂趣味性这几个方面,简单阐述了初中英语教学中展开高效词汇教学的相关策略。  【关
【摘要】赏识教育作为一种关注学生心理健康的全新教育策略,需教师客观观察学生的闪光点来切入激励评价,让学生及时把握学习优势,如此,便能够较为直接、有效地唤起学生的学习动机,使其为了延续这种积极情绪而实现自主学习。因此,初中英语教师可以利用赏识教育实现有效教学,改善师生互动状况。本文将从赏识学生的英语能力、赏识学生的学习行为、赏识学生的优良品质三个角度来分析初中英语教师应该如何全面实施赏识教育。  【
【摘要】当今世界教育科技文化水平迅速发展,英语逐渐发展成为全球的通用语言,英语教学任务重大。我国的地方高校在开展中外合作办学项目过程中,课程讲授主要由本校教师和国外学校教师协同合作,外文课堂给国内学生带来了一定挑战。EAP(English for academic purpose)指的是学术英语。其教学目标是提升学生在专业领域的综合语言能力,包括课堂讨论发言能力、学术阅读能力、学术写作能力等技能。
【摘要】培养学生的英语素养是新课改明确提出的小学英语教学目标,英语是使用最为广泛的语言,学生大部分运用英语的时间都集中在课堂上,很少有机会利用英语解决生活中的问题,所以学生的学习兴趣始终不够浓厚。游戏教学符合小学生的天性,如果能将英语知识融入游戏中,让学生一边游戏一边学习,势必能提高英语教学效率,对于促进学生的全面成长和综合发展具有重要意义。  【关键词】小学英语;游戏教学;方法;策略  【作者简