
来源 :中华儿童保健杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq591570317
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铁是人体必需的微量元素之一,它参与机体的许多代谢活动,于健康至关重要.婴幼儿处于快速生长发育时期,对铁的需求甚大.另一方面,由于婴幼儿的主食乳制品中含铁不多,如不注意适时添加富含铁质的辅食,极易造成缺铁.根据联合国儿童基金会和世界卫生组织的报告,缺铁一直是影响全球儿童健康的最重要营养学问题.缺铁能对儿童机体产生全面的不良影响.可影响血红蛋白的合成而产生贫血;影响中枢神经系统的能量代谢和神经递质的合成而妨碍神经精神发育;影响免疫功能而引起感染.其中缺铁性贫血是缺铁最主要和常见的临床表现形式. Iron is one of the essential trace elements of the body, it is involved in many of the body’s metabolic activity, is essential for health. Infants and young children in the period of rapid growth and development, the demand for iron .On the other hand, due to infants and young children’s staple food dairy products Fewer iron, iron deficiency if timely attention to add iron-rich complementary foods, can easily lead to iron deficiency.According to UNICEF and the World Health Organization report, iron deficiency has been the most important nutrition issue affecting the health of children around the world. Iron deficiency can have a comprehensive adverse effect on the body of children, can affect the synthesis of hemoglobin and anemia, affecting the energy metabolism of the central nervous system and neurotransmitter synthesis and obstruct neuropsychological development, affecting the immune function and cause infection, including iron deficiency Anemia is the most important and common form of iron deficiency in clinical manifestations.
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为提高地震数据信息交换、管理和服务水平 ,1997年中国地震局决定在首都圈地区率先进行地震信息网络系统建设 ,并作为全国地震信息网络系统的示范工程。河北省地震信息网络作
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本科于1993年~1996年,应用人血丙种球蛋白(丙球)治疗原发性血小板减少性紫癜(ITP)17例,现报告如下。 临床资料 17例均符合1986年杭州会议所订ITP的诊断标准,男11例,女6例;年
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