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说起法国,你也许会情不自禁地想起巍峨的埃菲尔铁塔、香榭丽舍大街的林荫道以及雨果小说中的巴黎圣母院、美丽悠静的塞纳河……。法国有世人称道的人文历史,但同样也有着悠久的科技文化历史。从有文明历史至今,法国在世界科技文化领域一直占有重要的一席。为了让更多的中国读者了解法国科技文化历史及法中科技文化交流。本刊记者最近采访了法国驻华使馆文化科学合作处参赞段路易(Jean-LouisDURAND-DROUHIN)先生。记者:法国作为联合国常任理事国之一,为促进世界政治、经济、文化的发展作出过重要贡献。现在世界各国都非常重视科技的发展。参赞阁下,你能谈谈法国科技工作的组织结构情况吗?参赞:首先我代表法国政府和毛磊大使对《科技潮》杂志社的采访表示感 Speaking of France, you may be tempted to think of the towering Eiffel Tower, the avenue of the Champs Elysees and Notre Dame in the Hugo novel, the beautiful and tranquil Seine ... France has the world's human history, but also has a long history of science and technology. From the civilized history to the present, France has always occupied an important place in the field of science and technology in the world. In order to allow more Chinese readers to understand the history of science and technology in France and France's science and technology and cultural exchanges. Our correspondent recently interviewed Mr. Jean-Louis DURAND-DROUHIN, Counselor of Cultural and Scientific Cooperation of the French Embassy in China. Reporter: As one of the permanent member states of the United Nations, France has made an important contribution to promoting the political, economic and cultural development of the world. Now all countries in the world attach great importance to the development of science and technology. Counselor, Can you talk about the organizational structure of science and technology work in France? Counselor: First of all, on behalf of the French government and Ambassador Mao Lei, let me first express my appreciation for the magazine Tide Magazine
文章介绍了诚信在市场经济中的地位、作用;分析了我国市场经济发展过程中诚信缺失的原因及危害;针对当前诚信严重缺失的现象,提出了建设诚信、文明社会的途径和措施。 This
宋健是我国当代杰出的科学家,曾任国务委员,国家科委主任,现任全国政协副主席,中国工程院院长。本刊主编最近对他进行了专访。 Song Jian is an outstanding contemporary s
As China completes its WTO commitments , new regulations should help banks expand their services The Standard Chart er ed Bank, whi c h has 20 outlets in 14 Chi