
来源 :福建水产 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zmjmengm1988
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八十年代,我省广大渔民在党的领导下,发扬创业革新精神,在资金不足、海洋渔业资源衰退的情况下,坚持保护和合理利用相结合的原则,依靠科技进步,深化体制改革,进一步调整作业结构,积极开发利用外海及远洋渔场,海洋捕捞产量持续增长,从1980年的34.3万吨增加到1990年的82.97万吨,平均年递增5.4%。然而,前进中也面临着许多难题,发展道路仍被许多制约因素困扰,尤其是沿岸近海渔业资源严重衰退。因此,九十年代我省近海沿岸捕捞业发展途径选择,无疑是一个需要慎重研究的课题。本文拟就我省水产“八五”规划为指导思想,以科技兴渔为主线,用技术经济学的观点,对我省近海沿岸捕捞业的发展策略作一探讨,供参考研究。 In the 1980s, under the leadership of the party, the vast majority of fishermen in our province carried forward the spirit of pioneering entrepreneurship and insisted on the principle of combining protection with rational utilization under the condition of insufficient funds and the decline of marine fishery resources. Under the guidance of progress in science and technology and further institutional reform, Adjusting the operation structure and actively exploiting the offshore and offshore fishing grounds, marine fishing output continued to grow, from 343,000 tons in 1980 to 829,700 tons in 1990, an average annual increase of 5.4%. However, many difficulties are still encountered in the process of development. The path of development is still plagued by many constraints, especially the serious decline of coastal fishery resources along the coast. Therefore, the choice of approaches to the development of offshore fishing in coastal areas in the 1990s is undoubtedly a topic that needs careful study. This article intends to aquaculture in our province, “Eighth Five-Year Plan” as the guiding ideology, science and technology to promote fishing as the main line, with the point of view of technical economics, fishing industry in our province coastal fishing strategy for a discussion for reference.
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