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·知识经济具有不同于传统工业经济的九大特征。 ·当代科学技术越来越呈现出交叉性、复杂性、多样性的特点,科技知识创新、传播、转化、应用空前快捷和广泛;科学活动竞争与合作并存;创新人才、文化和基地依然是科技创新活动的主体、条件与基础。 ·迎接知识经济的挑战,要建立国家创新体系。知识创新系统、技术创新系统、知识传播系统和知识应用系统构成了国家创新体系的三大支柱和一大社会化平台。 ·迎接全球知识经济的挑战,未来的大学教育将更具有鲜明的时代特征,可能由此迎来全球资源共享的教育合作和全球网络大学的新时代。 Knowledge economy has nine characteristics different from the traditional industrial economy. · Contemporary science and technology are becoming increasingly cross-cultural, complex and diverse in character. Innovation, diffusion, transformation and application of scientific and technological knowledge are unprecedentedly rapid and widespread. Competition and cooperation in scientific activities co-exist. Innovative talents, cultures and bases are still technologies. The main body of innovation activities, conditions and basis. To meet the challenge of knowledge-based economy, it is necessary to establish a national innovation system. Knowledge innovation system, technology innovation system, knowledge dissemination system and knowledge application system constitute the three pillars of the national innovation system and a major social platform. · To meet the challenges of the global knowledge economy, future university education will have more distinctive characteristics of the times and may usher in a new age of educational cooperation on global resource sharing and the global network of universities.
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最近,我迷上了台球运动,带着初学者的兴奋劲,我几乎每天晚上都要去学校教工之家玩上一会儿,和同事聊聊天,打打球,一天的疲惫也消失殆尽。为此,我也十分感谢学校为教师提供了这样一个放松的场所。  在台球室,我经常遇到两位经验丰富的教师,他们技术高超,在和我们一起打球或看我们几个初学者打球时总会热心地指点一二:“打红三,打这里”“打轻点,推进去”“打重点,把球回过去”“打这里,切球,把球切进去”……在我们
The role of enteric glial cells has somewhat changed from that of mere mechanical support elements, gluing together the various components of the enteric nervou