Two-stage evolutionary algorithm for dynamic multicast routing in mesh network

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University(Science A:An International Ap | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:BBP
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In order to share multimedia transmissions in mesh networks and optimize the utilization of network resources, this paper presents a Two-stage Evolutionary Algorithm (TEA), i.e., unicast routing evolution and multicast path composition, for dynamic multicast routing. The TEA uses a novel link-duplicate-degree encoding, which can encode a multicast path in the link-duplicate-degree and decode the path as a link vector easily. A dynamic algorithm for adding nodes to or removing nodes from a multicast group and a repairing algorithm are also covered in this paper. As the TEA is based on global evaluation, the quality of the multicast path remains stabilized without degradation when multicast members change over time. Therefore, it is not necessary to rearrange the multicast path during the life cycle of the multicast sessions. Simulation results show that the TEA is efficient and convergent. In order to share multimedia transmissions in mesh networks and optimize the utilization of network resources, this paper presents a Two-stage Evolutionary Algorithm (TEA), ie, unicast routing evolution and multicast path composition, for dynamic multicast routing. The TEA uses a novel link-duplicate-degree encoding, which can encode a multicast path in the link-duplicate-degree and decode the path as a link vector easily. A dynamic algorithm for adding nodes to or removing nodes from a multicast group and a repairing algorithm are also covered in this paper. As the TEA is based on global evaluation, the quality of the multicast path remains stabilized without degradation when multicast members change over time. Therefore, it is not necessary to rearrange the multicast path during the life cycle of the multicast sessions Simulation results show the the TEA is efficient and convergent.
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