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随着我国城市化、工业化和老龄化进程的加快,癌症已成为危害我国居民生命和健康的最重要慢性病之一。它是我国居民第二位死亡原因,但在城市却是第一位死因。我国每年花费超过4000亿元用于癌症病人的治疗,如果能进行癌症早期诊治就可节省90%以上的费用。天津市韦尔柏基因治疗公司经过40多年的基础和临床相结合的研究,依靠我国人口资源优势,特别癌症家系和癌高发区等,并吸收国外近年来癌症研究的最新成果,基本阐明了白血病等癌症的发病原理和病因,并获得2012年美国化学学会Repligen奖提名,同时开发出可用于癌症早期诊治的高新技术产品,为我国十二五期间开展癌症早期诊治项目提供理论依据和技术支撑。 With the acceleration of urbanization, industrialization and aging in our country, cancer has become one of the most important chronic diseases that endanger the lives and health of Chinese residents. It is the second cause of death in China, but it is the first cause of death in the city. China spends more than 400 billion yuan a year for the treatment of cancer patients, and can save more than 90% of the cost if it can carry out early diagnosis and treatment of cancer. After more than 40 years of basic and clinical research, Tianjin Wellberger Gene Therapy Company has relied on China’s population resources advantages, special cancer families and high incidence of cancer, and absorbed the latest achievements in cancer research abroad in recent years, and basically clarified that leukemia Such as the pathogenesis and etiology of cancer, and was nominated by the 2012 American Chemical Society’s Repligen Award. Meanwhile, it has developed high-tech products that can be used for early diagnosis and treatment of cancer and provided theoretical basis and technical support for the early diagnosis and treatment of cancer during the 12th Five-year Plan.
浦江东院玻璃体视网膜学科由常青主任领衔,拥有副主任医师以上医师1 0余名,学科拥有目前最主流的高端眼底病诊疗设施,临床工作涵盖几乎所有常见和疑难玻璃体视网膜疾病的诊断