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人常说,南京是湖南籍人的第二故乡。在清朝末年至辛亥革命前后,南京的湖南籍人曾多达六七万。这是因为当年曾国藩统率的湘军攻陷太平天国都城南京以后,除一部分湘军官佐升官进爵, 衣锦还乡外,大部分湘军士兵被栽汰,流落在南京地区。他们多半以开豆腐店、赶骡车、做香烛鞭炮等业度日繁衍,以至人口大增。可是到了1913年夏天,他们却遭到一次浩劫,付出了极惨重的代价。 1913年6月,南方一些省为反对袁世凯的倒行逆施和专制独裁,纷纷宣告独立,支持以孙中山为首的国民党人。江苏都督程德全当过江苏巡抚,是个足智多谋的老官僚,他想混水摸鱼,叉担心吃亏, 便称病不出,静观事态,江宁要塞司令吴绍麟反对南京一些军官对袁用兵,也反对江苏独立,结果被杀于南京娃娃桥的私宅中。领导南京军队奋起声讨袁世凯的是个名叫何海鸣的团长。他是湖南衡阳人, 三十岁左右,血气方刚又有些文化。他和一些青年军官打算拥戴南京驻军的主力第八师师长陈之骥出任江苏督军,主持讨袁的军事行动。何海鸣曾当过陈的参谋,他自告奋勇,去找陈之骥。陈之骥是副总统冯国璋的女婿,平日学了些新名词,伪装开明进步。但一到了紧要关头,就翻了脸,破口大骂何海鸣是“犯上作乱,罪在当诛”!下令卫兵将何海鸣五花大绑,打算把他秘密押往北京,向袁世凯邀功请赏。 People often say that Nanjing is the second hometown of Hunan nationals. In the late Qing Dynasty and before the Revolution of 1911, Hunan had as many as 60,000 to 70,000 Hunan nationals. This is because after the Xiang Army, under the command of Zeng Guofan, was captured in Nanjing, the capital of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, most of the Hunan army soldiers were eliminated and left in the Nanjing area except for some of the officers and men of the Hunan Military Government. Most of them have started to proliferate in such places as tofu shops, mule trailers and incense burning firecrackers. However, by the summer of 1913, they suffered a catastrophe and paid a terrible price. In June 1913, in order to oppose Yuan Shih-kai’s counter-terrorism and tyranny, some southern provinces declared their independence and backed the Kuomintang headed by Dr. Sun Yat-sen. Jiangsu Governor Cheng Dequan was a governor of Jiangsu. He was a resourceful old bureaucrat. He wanted to confront water and fishes. He worried that he would suffer ill-fated disease. Looking at the situation, Commander Wu Shaolin, a stronghold of Jiangning, opposed some of Nanjing’s officers to Yuan Yongbing and also opposed Jiangsu’s independence. As a result, Nanjing doll bridge in private homes. He led the Nanjing army to stand up and denounce Yuan Shikai is a leader named He Haiming. He is Hengyang, Hunan, about thirty years old, flesh and blood Fang Gang and some culture. He and some young officers intend to embrace the main force of the Nanjing Garrison’s eighth division teacher Chen Zhijie as the governor of Jiangsu Province, who presided over the military operations to discuss Yuan. He Haiming served as Chen’s staff, he volunteered to find Chen Ji. Chen Ji Ji is vice president Feng Guozhang’s son-in-law, learned some new words on weekdays, disguise open-minded and progressive. However, once the crux of the matter came, she turned her face and shouted at what he called “being guilty of confusion and punishing sin.” He ordered the guard to tie up all He Haiming’s spies and intend to secretly escort him to Beijing to invite Yuan Shikai for a reward.
定时自动冲洗水箱是用于卫生间卫生设备的一种自动冲洗装置,适用于冲洗公共厕所小便槽及其他卫生设备。一、工作原理图1为水箱剖面图,当水箱在无水状态 The timed automati