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随着近些年城市化的发展以及工业化的扩张,加之改革开放的不断促进,由普通大众引导,通过大众媒介进行传播的大众文化不断发展,已经形成一定的规模和态势,逐渐在我国的文化形态中向主导地位靠拢。所谓大众文化,就是通过世俗的眼光形式将改革开放前的那种枯燥、单一的艺术形式加以丰富和促进,不仅颠覆了以前古老的艺术形式,而且还是现代化建设和民主化发展的主要思想来源,对其发展起到了启蒙作用。另一方面,大众文化的发展也意味着一种别样的消费主义理念,正如双刃剑的另一面一样,群众文艺所缺乏的人文主义精神直接引导了现在社会存在甚至盛行的拜金主义、功利主义、享乐主义等负面主义的不协调发展至泛滥,对社会的进步和发展都有负面的作用。本文就群众文艺创作的立足点是什么展开讨论,并对群众文化作进一步的探究。 With the development of urbanization and the expansion of industrialization in recent years and the constant promotion of reform and opening up, the mass culture led by the general public and disseminated through the mass media has been continuously developed. As a result, a certain scale and trend have been formed and the culture in our country Close to the dominant position in the form. The so-called popular culture refers to enriching and promoting the kind of boring and single art form before the reform and opening-up through secular eyes. It not only subverts the ancient art forms, but also the main sources of ideology for the modernization and democratization. It has played an enlightening role in its development. On the other hand, the development of popular culture also means a different concept of consumerism. Just as on the other side of the double-edged sword, the humanistic spirit lacking in mass literature and art directly leads to the existence of money worship and utilitarianism The uncoordinated development of negativeism such as doctrine and hedonism spread to a very great extent and played a negative role in the progress and development of society. This article discusses the standpoint of mass literary and artistic creation and further explores the mass culture.
How to do itrnCut the chocolate bar like this. Rearrange the pieces of the chocolate bar leaving the smallest piece out. Now you have a piece of chocolate you c
语文课堂教学中提问的设计,关系到阅读教学组织成败。全体学生积极参与、思考探索的课堂才是成功高效的课堂。  因此,阅读教学中教师要精心设计一些精当的、富有启发性、探索性的提问来点燃学生思想火花,提高课堂教学效率。那么,如何设计切合学生与课文实际的问题,引导学生深入文本,提高课堂教学效率呢?  一.把握原则,注意方法  1、提问具有启发性  教师的提问设计要富有启发性,能够激发学生去调动自己的生活实际
Pokémon Detective Pikachu is a live-action film based on the 2016 video game Detective Pikachu. In a world where people collect Pokémon to do battle, a boy ca
《人民解放军百万大军横渡长江》这篇课文是现行人教版八(上)和现行苏教版七(下)的一篇课文。老师教学这篇课文最常见的设计思路是:(1)传授新闻知识(如定义、特点、要素、结构、语言等);(2)借助报纸新闻,讲解新闻知识;(3)从新闻结构、新闻语言等方面研讨这篇课文,巩固新闻知识。  教学中,预设的时候考虑抓住两个重点,一是新闻的文体特征,二是新闻语言的品味,将新闻语言特点的领悟作为全文的难点进行突破。
The Polish writer Claudio Magris describes Budapest as the Pearl of the Danube after travel?ling through Europe.rnBudapest is full of great things to see and do
当前,初中语文教学中大多数语文教师只注重对课文的分析,而忽视了对学生读的训练教学。有的语文教师错误地以为读只是小学的事,其实这种认识和做法是不符合语文教学的,同时还对语文教学质量的提高存在着影响,造成学生对书读不顺畅,说话不明白。因此,要想提高语文教学质量,就必须注重对“读”训练。  一.加强读的训练  对任何一篇文章,要想了解其内容,首要的一环节是读,只有通过读,才能使文章的内容在人的头脑中产生
在人的智力结构中,思维居于核心地位,是整个智力活动的最高调节者,给各种智力活动以深刻的影响,如果没有思维的积极参与,智力活动将停留在较低的层次和水平上,甚至难以进行。  而语文的听、说、读、写哪一样也离不了思维的参与,因此,普通高中课程改革的终极目的,应该更进一步地解放学生的思想,更有利于学生的独立思考。在语文的教学中应将思维贯穿始终。要使学生能够走进思维的世界,开启思维的大门,确立思维的新支点是