Collectivism VS Individualism: the Comparison of Family Values Between China and the USA

来源 :校园英语·上旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:loopdd
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  【Abstract】The paper states the collectivism and individualism from the perspective of Chinese and American family culture which can help people improve the cross-cultural sense, and promote the educational development and exchange between the two countries by studying the different family values between China and the USA.
  【Key words】Collectivism; Individualism; family values
  The Structure of Family
  A traditional Chinese family generally consists of at least two generations of people including husband, wife and children and there universally exists the phenomenon of three generations, four generations living under one roof. In recent years, along with social progress and epochal change, the size and structure of traditional Chinese families have undergone changes.
  American family structure is the core family, which is composed by father, mother and two or three children. They usually have their own separate residence, and family members have the economic independence.
  The Ways of Educating Offspring
  The feudal examination system from Tang Dynasty to Qing Dynasty plays an important role for Chinese former and modern education. People at that time made the “A good scholar will make an official.” as the ultimate goal in their life. Until the Qing Dynasty, numbers of intellectuals began to find a better road in order to live well and fight for the motherland. Nowadays, most parents and teachers still regard being an officer as the object. It is the root for this view.
  On the contrary, the United States is a country of immigrants and it has a rather short history. The old-fashioned ideas are seldom kept down;new thoughts could be received instantly and easily for the multi-cultural values. Parents also keep up with the latest family educational concepts, which is the factor affecting the family education of the present age.
  The Expression of Collectivism Embodied In
  1. Family Structure
  The Chinese family culture has a huge impact from the family structure. The family culture of China is based on the land. As a result, the Chinese people pay more attention to collectivism. In addition, the concept of clan in Chinese family has been ingrained.
  2. Ways of Educating Offspring
  In general, the family educational mode of Chinese family is autocratic. Children have fewer rights to take part in getting the reason or experience by themselves. They are told that if they are docile and agreeable, they will be successful or obtain something easily. Because parents have suffered a lot trying to be successful in the past, they hoped that their children can pass over the obstacle then succeed directly.   The Expression of Individualism Embodied In
  1. Family Structure
  The nuclear family consists of a mother, a father, and the children. American lays emphasis on personality, their value orientation is based on the individualism. They lay stress on their own benefits, advocate the individual improvement and find their own true value. In American family, individual is the most basic one, which is the valuable and independent from his family relation. The American culture takes individual as a focus, paying great attention to individual freedom and right. The individual’s standard and family transforms are closely correlative.
  2. Ways of Educating Offspring
  Influenced by the roles of parents, American family educational mode is democratic and free. As the close friends with the children, parents are very amiable and affable, which makes them convenient to educate the children. The education mode of American family is free and democratic.Parents regard children as the equal and independent family members. Besides, American children have more chances to choose.Their games, books, friends, future vacation, even the future spouse and marriage time could be chosen by themselves.
  Through comparing Sino-American cultural elements, readers can understand their different family values, collectivism in Chinese family and individualism in American family. Analyzing the different Chinese and American family culture, this thesis could help people improve the cross-cultural cognition, and promote the education development and exchange between two countries.
  [1]Di Yanhua.American Culture.Changchun:Jilin Science
【摘要】职业发展背景下,高职院校英语教学需进一步改革与优化,提升教学职业性与应用性。本文具体分析了职业发展背景下高职院校英语教学的新需求,结合对高职英语教学职业化现状的思考,提出了职业发展背景下高职英语教学的改革路径。  【关键词】高职院校 英语教学 职业发展 改革  随着经济的高速发展,社会对用人单位的素质要求不断提高,其不仅要求毕业生需具备一定的专业水平,也要求拥有适应岗位需要的职业英语技能。
【摘要】良好的开端,成功的一半。备课作为教学环节的第一步,可以说是决定成功的关键。笔者认为备课的关键在于备课标,备教材,备学生,备方法。  【关键词】课标 教材 学生 方法  漫漫三尺讲台路,白笔黑板写春秋。自从走上教师这个岗位,备课上课就是生活中不可缺少的一部分。作为一名年轻教师,备课更是教学中非常重要的一环。每次上课前,如果准备充分,站上讲台的那一刻,就感觉自信满满,举手投足也感觉洒脱了不少。
【摘要】信息技术的不断发展给英语教学提出了更高的要求。随着信息技术逐渐融入课堂教学,课堂教学的设计思路和教授方式也在发生着变化。以信息技术为依托的在线开放课程平台为高职大学英语教学带来了新的机遇和挑战。如何利用在线课程平台进行英语教学是值得英语教学工作者思考的新问题。本文阐述了在线课程平台的特点,分析了在线课程平台为大学英语教学带来的优势,提出了在线英语课程教学存在的问题。  【关键词】在线课程平
【摘要】《英语新课程标准》中提出:在小学英语课堂教学中,应注重激发和培养学生的学习兴趣,使学生掌握一定的语言基础知识和基本技能,培养学生初步运用英语进行交际的能力。文中以一次“课堂事故”为主线展开教学,课堂中的学讲结合,优化了课堂教学效果。  【关键词】意外事故 案例分析 思考探究  一、案例背景  自从走进了小学课堂,我每天都要面对一张张天真活泼的笑脸和一双双充满求知欲望的眼睛,而这些笑脸和眼睛
【摘要】随着国家教育改革的逐渐推进,我国教学水平得到很大程度的提高。大学教育是教学体系中的重要内容,大学是向社会输送所需人才的重要场所,它的教学水平将直接影响到我国的建设发展。针对大学英语来说,将形成性评价应用在教学过程中,有利于促进教学效率的有效提高,保证学生的基本素质,促进社会发展。本文将以此为主要的研究内容,通过对形成性评价进行基本阐述,给出具体的应用策略。  【关键词】形成性评价 大学 应
阅读教学在英语教学中占有非常重要的地位。阅读教学不仅要传授语言知识,而且要培养技能。教学有没有成效,并不是指教师有没有教完教学内容或教得认不认真,而是指学生有没有学到什么或学生学得好不好。  一、备学生  上公开课有时候是自己的学生,有时候是别人的学生。若是自己的学生,很多时候能够沉着应对。因为学生的情况都很了解,提的问题会很有针对性,学生能应答自如,课堂气氛当然就好一些。但要上好一堂公开课,也还
【摘要】本文试图从需求分析理论的视角出发,了解与分析衢州学院非英语专业大学英语拓展课程设置的需求,对大学英语拓展课程的设置、课堂模式、教材资源以及师资队伍的建设提供参考依据。  【关键词】需求分析 大学英语 拓展课程  一﹑大学英语课程设置背景调查  大学英语教学是高等教育密不可分的一部分。后续拓展课程的开设是大学英语学习持续性的保障,也对培养学生的语言运用能力起到了重要作用,同时也将有效促进高校
【摘要】互联网时代的到来,给艺术院校大学英语教学带来了机遇和挑战,如何在网络环境下提高艺术院校学生的自主学习能力成为大学英语教学改革亟待解决的问题。笔者将任务型自主学习模式与翻转课堂相融合,指出了任务型自学学习模式的理论依据及其遵守的原则,并从四个维度构建了艺术院校“任务型”自主学习模式。针对实践教学中存在的一些问题,笔者提出了一些建议。  【关键词】互联网 任务型教学 自主学习  【Abstra