
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kmj
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Objective: To report on the presentation, histopathologic findings, and clinical outcomes for a case series of MIS of the nail apparatus because melanoma in situ (MIS) of the nail unit has not been well characterized in the literature. Setting: A division of a tertiary academic center specializing in micrographic excision of cutaneous neoplasms. Design: Surgical records were searched for cases of MIS of the nail unit for the period of January 1, 1997, to December 31, 2002. The patient demographics and disease presentation, treatment, and clinical course were reviewed. Results: Seven cases of MIS of the nail unit in white patients were identified. Longitudinal melanonychia was present in all cases, but dyspigmentation of the proximal nail fold and onychodystrophy were uncommon. Histopathologic analysis revealed poorly circumscribed proliferations of single cells over nests with variable pagetoid spread. Atypia was variable. Mitotic activity was low. All cases were treated with micrographic surgery. Amputation was avoided in 3 cases and was limited to partial distal interphalangeal amputation in the remainder. Six cases did not recur locally after initial surgical intervention. With an average of 24 months of follow-up, all patients were free of disease. Conclusions: Longitudinal melanonychia in a white patient mandates consideration of MIS of the nail unit. Given the nondescript clinical presentation, the threshold for biopsy should be low. The histopathologic findings appear similar to those of MIS in other areas, with asymmetry and poor circumscription predominating. With additional study and further acceptance, micrographically controlled excision has the potential to minimize morbidity. Further investigation is warranted. Objective: To report on the presentation, histopathologic findings, and clinical outcomes for a case series of MIS of the nail apparatus because melanoma in situ (MIS) of the nail unit has not been well characterized in the literature. tertiary academic center specializing in micrographic excision of cutaneous neoplasms. Design: Surgical records were searched for cases of MIS of the nail unit for the period of January 1, 1997, to December 31, 2002. The patient demographics and disease presentation, treatment, and Clinical course were reviewed. Results: Seven cases of MIS of the nail unit in white patients were identified. Longitudinal melanonychia was present in all cases, but dyspigmentation of the proximal nail fold and onychodystrophy were uncommon. Histopathologic analysis revealed poorly circumscribed proliferations of single cells over nests with variable pagetoid spread. Atypia was variable. Mitotic activity was low. All cases were treated with micrograp hic surgery. Amputation was avoided in 3 cases and was limited to partial distal interphalangeal amputation in the remainder. Six cases did not recur locally after initial surgical intervention. With an average of 24 months of follow-up, all patients were free of disease. Conclusions: Longitudinal melanonychia in a white patient mandates consideration of MIS of the nail unit. Given the nondescript clinical presentation, the threshold for biopsy should be low. The histopathologic findings appear to be similar in MIS in other areas, with asymmetry and poor circumscription predominating With additional study and further acceptance, micrographically controlled excision has the potential to minimize morbidity. Further investigation is warranted.
目的观察并分析序贯性血液净化治疗百草枯中毒的临床疗效。方法 66例百草枯中毒患者,随机分为对照组和观察组,各33例。对照组采用临床常规治疗方法 ,观察组在此基础上采用序
一个富人请求一位智者帮儿子除掉身上的坏习惯。智者带着富人的儿子在花园里逛了一圈,然后突然停了下来,让男孩拔出地上的一棵小植物。  小男孩用拇指和食指抓住植物,轻易就把它拔了出来。  智者又叫小男孩拔出一棵稍微大点的植物,男孩费了很大劲才把它连根拔出。  “现在,把那棵植物拔出来。”智者指着一棵灌木说道。男孩不得不竭尽全力,才把那棵植物拔出来。  “现在,把这棵植物拔出来。”智者指着一棵石榴树说道。