Dynamic interaction numerical models in the time domain based on the high performance scaled boundar

来源 :Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ghca123
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Consideration of structure-foundation-soil dynamic interaction is a basic requirement in the evaluation of the seismic safety of nuclear power facilities.An efficient and accurate dynamic interaction numerical model in the time domain has become an important topic of current research.In this study,the scaled boundary finite element method(SBFEM)is improved for use as an effective numerical approach with good application prospects.This method has several advantages,including dimensionality reduction,accuracy of the radial analytical solution,and unlike other boundary element methods,it does not require a fundamental solution.This study focuses on establishing a high performance scaled boundary finite element interaction analysis model in the time domain based on the acceleration unit-impulse response matrix,in which several new solution techniques,such as a dimensionless method to solve the interaction force,are applied to improve the numerical stability of the actual soil parameters and reduce the amount of calculation.Finally,the feasibility of the time domain methods are illustrated by the response of the nuclear power structure and the accuracy of the algorithms are dynamically verified by comparison with the refinement of a large-scale viscoelastic soil model. Consideration of structure-foundation-soil dynamic interaction is a basic requirement in the evaluation of the seismic safety of nuclear power facilities. An efficient and accurate dynamic interaction numerical model in the time domain has become an important topic of current research. In this study, the scaled boundary finite element method (SBFEM) is improved for use as an effective numerical approach with good application prospects. This method has several advantages, including dimensionality reduction, accuracy of the radial solution solution, and unlike other boundary element methods, it does not require a fundamental solution. This study focuses on establishing a high performance scaled boundary finite element interaction analysis model in the time domain based on the acceleration unit-impulse response matrix, in which several new solution techniques, such as a dimensionless method to solve the interaction force, are applied to improve the numerical stability of the actual soil parameters an d reduce the amount of calculation. Finally, the feasibility of the time domain methods are illustrated by the response of the nuclear power structure and the accuracy of the algorithms are dynamically verified by comparison with the refinement of a large-scale viscoelastic soil model.
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