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维克多·雨果是十九世纪法国著名的积极浪漫主义作家。一八○二年二月二十六日,他出生于法国东部的贝让松。雨果的父亲是细木匠的儿子,在大革命时代当了军官,帝政时代升为中将,并被晋封为伯爵。他的母亲,出身于资产阶级家庭,是个虔诚的天主教徒和保王主义者。显然,父母的政治观点是相敌对的,就在这样的家庭环境中,雨果度过了自己的青少年时期,这对他世界观的形成和后来的创作有着重大的影响。雨果从小爱好诗歌。他十四岁开始从事文学创作,并立志当个大作家。十五岁那年,他以自己的长诗应征,受到法兰西学 Victor Hugo is a famous French writer of positive romanticism in the nineteenth century. He was born on February 26, 1802 in Beygeson, eastern France. Hugo’s father was the son of a carpenter who became an officer in the Great Revolutionary era and was promoted to lieutenant colonel in the Era of Emperor Reagan and was named Earl of Jin. His mother, born in a bourgeois family, is a devout Catholic and a royalist. Obviously, the political views of parents are hostile. In such a home environment, Hugo spent his adolescence, which had a significant impact on the formation and subsequent creation of his worldview. Hugo grew up to love poetry. He started his literary creation when he was fourteen and decided to be a big writer. At the age of fifteen, he applied for his own long poem and was educated in France
近几年,北京酿酒工业有了突飞猛进的发展,一大批产品被评为优质名牌酒,不少产品已行销国外, In recent years, Beijing brewing industry has made rapid development, a l
说句实话,进餐馆容易,可点几样好菜却并不容易.原因就在于点菜也自有学问,涉 To be honest, into the restaurant is easy, can be a little something good but not easy
今年5月,美国出版了索尔·贝娄的短篇小说集《失言者》(Him With His Foot In His Mouths)。书中共收贝娄的近作五篇,除书题一篇外,另四篇是《你度过一个什么样的日子?》、
目前使用冰箱的家庭愈来愈多了,人们把购进的肉放入冰箱保存可长时间不变质.肉 There are more and more families using refrigerators at present, people put the meat
木耳为干菜制品,它营养丰富,食用方便,耐储存,是 Fungus for dried vegetable products, it is nutritious, easy to eat, resistant to storage, is
20 0 3年的秋天,法国龚古尔奖终于迎来了设奖一百周年的日子。2 0 0 3年1 0月2 1日,在一年一度的龚古尔奖第五轮评选之后,雅克-皮埃尔·阿麦特的《布莱希特的情人》便脱颖而