Effects of Yiqi Huayu Formula on Blood Vessels in Rat's Cartilage End-plate

来源 :中国中医骨伤科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:youdong1964
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Objective:To investigate the effects of Yiqi Huayu Fang on the status of blood vessels of the cartilage end-plate; To understand the process of nutrition supply of intervertebral discs.Methods:fifty 8-month-old SD rats were randomly divided into five groups of 10 rats each.There were control,model,Yiqi Huayu Fang,Huoxue Tongluo Fang and Fenbide groups,The number of female was the same as that of male in each group.In this experiment,control and model groups were selected to be observed 5 months after operation.A model of degenerated cervical vertebral in the rats was established by resection of the posterior paravertebral muscles and resection of the cervical supraspinous and interspinous ligaments from the cervical spine elicited by surgical intervention in each model group.The number and area of afferent bud of the cartilage end-plate were analysed by appearance and dissector automatically count.The expression of vascular endothelial growth factor was assayed by immunohistochemistry.Results:Yiqi Huayu Fang was used to increase the number and area of afferent bud,to improve the expression of intravascular VEGF.The result was resemble to Huoxue Tongluo Fang and superior to Fenbide.There existed a positive corralation between the expression of intravascular VEGF and the density of afferent bud.Conclusions:Yiqi Huayu Fang is used to increase nutrition supply,to promote blood vessels renovation and regeneration renovate and second birth,to improve the expression of intravascular Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor of intervertebral discs. Objective:To investigate the effects of Yiqi Huayu Fang on the status of blood vessels of the cartilage end-plate; To understand the process of nutrition supply of intervertebral discs.Methods:fifty 8-month-old SD rats were randomly divided into five groups Of 10 rats each.There were control,model,Yiqi Huayu Fang,Huoxue Tongluo Fang and Fenbide groups,The number of female was the same as that of male in each group.In this experiment,control and model groups were selected to be observed 5 months after operation.A model of degenerated cervical vertebral in the rats was established by resection of the posterior paravertebral muscles and resection of the cervical supraspinous and interspinous ligaments from the cervical spine elicited by surgical intervention in each model group.The number and area of Afferent bud of the cartilage end-plate were analysed by appearance and dissector automatically count.The expression of vascular endothelial growth factor was assayed by immunohistochemistry .Results: Yiqi Huayu Fang was used to increase the number and area of ​​afferent bud, to improve the expression of intravascular VEGF.The result was resemble to Huoxue Tongluo Fang and superior to Fenbide.There existed a positive corralation between the expression of intravascular VEGF And the density of afferent bud.Conclusions: Yiqi Huayu Fang is used to increase the capacity supply, to promote blood vessels renovation and regeneration renovate and second birth, to improve the expression of intravascular Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor of intervertebral discs.
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