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以我国北方3所大学的用户调研数据为依据,通过对SERVQUAL质量测度的信度、效度、质量值的标准方差等定量指标的考察,分析SERVQUAL在我国高等学校图书馆的适用性。结果表明:SERVQUAL质量测度虽然具有较高的信度,但不具备足够高的内容效度;通过SERVQUAL收集的用户意见高度分散,可能影响管理者对评估结果的解释。 Based on the user research data of three universities in North China, this paper analyzes the SERVQUAL’s applicability in our country’s university library by quantitatively evaluating the reliability, validity and standard deviation of the quality of SERVQUAL. The results show that although the SERVQUAL quality measure has high reliability, it does not have sufficiently high content validity. The highly dispersed user opinions collected by SERVQUAL may affect the manager’s interpretation of the assessment result.
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